please empty your brain below

Of course I've been there, but if you'd asked me to point to [Great] Marlborough Street on a map, I think I'd have struggled.

The Wagamama, by the way, does a little more than what a regular Wagamama does, being their 'noodle lab' - apparently it's where they test out dishes before sending them nationwide, but it's not quite tempted me enough to go in.
I used to come here for Grant and Cutler’s foreign language bookshop. A quite magical place, now sadly gone. (Well not entirely gone, Foyles bought and absorbed it).
I worked in Great Marlborough St for over 10 years so thought I'd know everywhere on your list but I never know the bit about the cigarettes. I'd be curious to know which building that was.
Having visited a number of times I've always wondered what, apart from the impressive entrance, makes the Palladium 'Britain's premier theatre'. There are imo others with more impressive interiors and better sightlines.
I have always thought the M&S flagship store was the one further west on Oxford Street, across Orchard Street from Selfridges.
My favourite building on Great Marlborough Street is the one behind the news kiosk. Ideal House now Palladium House is an early bit of the USA in London. It was designed as a baby version of the American Radiator Company's Manhattan skyscraper. Part of it's now in the V&A. While the original enamel surround to the Great Marlborough Street entrance that would have been open when Victor and Marjory visited remains, from memory access is now only via Argyll Street.
This street was also home to Harold Moore Records, close to Poland Street, which was a superb store and is much missed. I can hardly think of a similar store existing in London now.
I think it's one of the more interesting little streets of central London, all in all.

One of the reasons for the Schott music shop being there may be that for decades the London College of Music was at no 47. It's since been remodeled and turned into the London College of Fashion, the LCM merging into what at one time was Thames Valley University in Ealing.

And yes such a pity Grant and Cutler went through it's transformation and move
Agreed Ian, the Pantheon store has always been the secondary M&S store in Oxford Street, more used by locals than tourists. Very handy that rear entrance.
Frank- I think the Palladium was just better at self promotion and so became the 'stars favourite theatre'. It was also owned by ATV television who promoted it every Sunday night. Bring back the tiller girls!

Also located in the street, was the original studio for Treasure Hunt TV show and at one point the archives for MI5 who had vans scuttling between here and Lambeth.
Eric, You can find Phil(l)ip Morris & Co. at No. 5 Great Marlborough St. on the Old Maps website
My last time at the Palladium was for the latest run of Joseph and his Dream Coat pre-pandemic. Towards the end of the first act the unwelcome 'fragrance' of weed started wafting through the upper balconies. It was really noticeable and children started to make noise and everyone started to whisper to each other. The ushers were duly informed at the interval and it turned out someone had been partaking whilst stood below the air intake vents. So that's one way to sabotage a performance. The Palladium is therefore not one of my favourite venues.

But otherwise this street brings back happy memories of my first job after graduating at the turn of the millennium, in one of the side streets that was blocked off thanks to Crossrail construction; and the joy of being to pop into Liberty's at lunch time after payday and team lunches in Soho. I hardly ever ventured out onto Oxford St thanks to this street and its attractions.

I bet the zebra crossing outside liberty's is one of the most hated amongst London cabbies! I've seen traffic stopped for minutes at a time thanks to non stop crossing.
I spent this article thinking.. "oh he'll mention the cigarettes"... "Has he forgotten..." "He has forgotten... "

"Nailed it at the last"
Frank F; it's the revolving stage!
The revolving stage was removed in 2002.
Thanks for the old map fred. I'd been scouring the internet trying to pinpoint the tobacco factory and failed. But yes, it was 5 Great Marlborough Street...

...which today is part of the back of Marks & Spencer! I think it was where the delivery bay is, alongside Soulcycle.
What a wonderful map of the area that is.
Thank you for the map Fred. That's definitely the M&S loading bay, which does have a bit of an old factory vibe to it

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