please empty your brain below

Significance of the early post? Time of birth?
I have mixed feelings about this, one part thinks that this is fantastic, the other that its illogical that humans think that a number ending with several zeros is 'better' than the one before or after it.
Four hundred thousand hours and what do I have to show for it? Thank you for the early morning depression!
Happy Birthday dg, hope you have a wonderful time celebrating your special day.
When I was a kid, writing rules for game systems that nobody would ever play, I took great pleasure in deciding that a human would die of old age - if no other fate had befallen them previously - at a random number of seconds between two and three billion, as an excuse to invite a player to roll a theoretical billion-sided die.
The Moody Blues recorded a song called "22,000 Days" which always fascinated me when I heard my dad listening to it. Apparently that was average life expectancy in 1973, just over 60 years.
I see my 1000 Week anniversary came on the day the Queen opened the Thames Flood Barrier and The Young Ones broadcast their classic University Challenge episode. I had some university lectures to go to.

Week 2000 merely coincided with a dull day in the office. I love that on my 2000th Monday I unintentionally posted about the invention of the seven day week.
One way to have a better life expectancy is to arrange to be female. Not just because of a slightly diminished risk of death by war and suicide, but also some other factors.
My father, paternal grandmother and maternal grandfather all reached three billion seconds. Fingers crossed that I can get there too!
Instead of a card I shall instead wish my dad a happy 800 thousand hours this weekend!!

As for me, milestone birthdays (one of which is going to strike before the year is out) come round far too quickly and make me feel ancient enough already, thankyou!
I wonder how leap years affect things... I suspect the millennium lack of leap years mean that its not Tuesdays you are lacking.

dg writes: leap years skip days of the month, not days of the week.
I once shared a flat with a music lover who celebrated reaching thirty three and a third years, back when LPs were much more common.
Oh dear. On average only 12 years to go. Even worse, that means I have a 50% chance of dropping dead in the next 12 years. If I stop commenting you'll know why.
I already have a 20000 day reminder in my online calendar for later this month...
I'm slightly annoyed with myself that I neglected to mark my 15,000th day a couple of months ago.

But my sister is on course to mark her 400,000th hour in a few weeks. I must send her a card!

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