please empty your brain below

I think I got this book for Xmas.
Well that was very interesting. Could have done with this to read at about three this morning, when I was trying to get back to sleep. Better than all those sheep…
An interesting list. On a pedantic note there is no reference to three wise men in the Bible, the number is not mentioned. All we know is that three gifts were given.
As I am 67 this year, one of the lists has increased my paranoia.
Enjoyed the scientific names for the crossings. Can be difficult to link across- for example as there are three species of Puffin (Atlantic, Tufted and Crested) Fratercula arctica could be seen just referring to the Atlantic Puffin. But I could be second guessing myself in that you were looking at the picture of the puffin which I would expect to be the Atlantic one.

Or I could have written this all in a failed attempt to be clever.
I found the pedestrian crossings and the roman numbers interesting. (as my first thought was that listing the first ten in alphabetical order was impossible)
I may be famous in the future.
I've been robbed! There's only seven Stranglers singles listed.
I think CCCLI is misplaced and should be CCCLV.
It’s pleasing to learn that there is a Raven at the Tower called Gripp. But why the double ‘p’? Grip the Raven is the most intelligent character, Lord Mansfield excepted, in Dickens’ Barnaby Rudge.
Rhubarb triangle got me thinking of the Rhubarb curve railway line in Bristol, which makes a curvy triangle with two other lines. Named after the Rhubarb Tavern.
Given the apparent error in the list of Stranglers singles, I'm wondering if there might be a rogue item in the lists I know nothing about.
The Swedish elements are even more exciting in that all come from one quarry outside Stockholm. This one location led to the discovery of 8 elements, the 5 named after Swedish places plus Scandium, Thulium and Gadolinium with broader Scandi links for names.
If only I'd read this before going to tonight's quiz here in Christchurch NZ.
Has Rocky (of the Tower) died then?
Hmm. So Dover and Folkestone are not on the south cast? Which coast are they on?
Does that mean that Nine Elms and Battersea Power Station opened initially without step free access?

Also, have you limited yourself to orange carrots?
There are some great facts on this list but I think the one that has surprised me most is that there are only four main types of carrot.
Can I argue (dully) that Oxo Beef Meat Free and Oxo Chicken Meat Free are arguably separate flavours of Oxo cube?
To add to the chocolate bar list:


And I live in hope that one day Fuse will return too.
I was scratching my head at first to work out how one letter (Greek in this case) could contain another ("a" as it happens).
Honourable mention also for Snack (Cadbury's) but I am not sure if we're bordering on chocolate biscuit territory there.
The Munchkins had names?!?!
a) If you count Cadbury's Snack, what about Jacob's Club?

b) You’re being a littkle inconsistent - if you accept the non-Gospel figure of three Magi, why not accept the equally non-Gospel traditional names Melchior, Caspar and Balthazar?

c) Alan S - I comes before V
except after C
Palindromic square numbers should have ... at the end to indicate that there are an infinite number of them.
Spoiler warning for The Traitors, DG. Please.
I feel Club is very firmly in biscuit territory. Made by McVitie's now, apparently. They also make those "Gold" bars with their Caramac-style coating, but clearly we can't include those.
Is Radio West where Shoestring used to work?

dg writes: yes, and yet because the series ended in 1980, no.
To be pedantic... I think Batchelor's make Cup-a-Soup not Heinz. The Heinz version is called Cup Soup...!
Nope, still don't understand the Roman Numerals one.

...but after Googling it I think I just about get the Banished Faithful one.
Boscombe & Deal wonder what happened to their piers
I assume there are deliberate mistakes in these lists to annoy the vultures out there.

I can name at least 2 more ILR stations launched in 1981, one of them had to hand their licence back two years later.
No pork stock cubes? Actually, does anyone make them?
Yes - Knorr, readily available in a supermarket near you.
How would the Romans have written 399? Would it have been CCCIC? If so, that should be in the list.
The Romans would have written it CCCLXXXXVIIII.

Medieval scholars would have written it CCCXCIX
I apologise for
a) inexact research
b) not defining things the way you would have
c) insufficient clarity on which lists weren't exhaustive

(occasionally all three at once)
You know that you have no need to apologise for anything, especially since you are providing brain exercise and entertainment around the world in such variety day to day.
Please do not stop, if I could venture to ask, regardless of the ultimate depths of research, definition and clarity.
Dull lists – most fascinating.
There is a Pegasus crossing in Oxford near the Redbridge park and ride. Bizarrely though the higher button is only in one direction so you can only cross with your horse one way.

We are having a new one added near here. We shall see
Thanks you have reminded me I bought 2.5 litres of Wilko silk emulsion last week named Cloudless as 32 years ago I attended a rehab called Clouds. It is the palest blue and I must get on with the preparation and crack it open.
Just dropping in to read the pedantic replies.
What, no Wrighty?

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