please empty your brain below

12: Number of times you wash your hands.
12: Number of hours you spend producing posts for this blog.

For me: number of nights I go to bed before midnight.
Number of times you pass a bus stop 'M' (not necessarily your bus stop M).
Number of kingfisher sightings - at least one category where 2021 might be a positive exception
Came here to suggest that you count kingfisher sightings, but that's already been done. So I'll propose the age old family favourite: how many yellow cars can you spot?
I will count how many slices of bread I consume, in the almost certain knowledge that the answer will be too many!
Number of bands/singers you listen to.
Number of hours watching TV or listening to radio shows.

Number of discarded masks seen on your travels

Number of different pubs you walk past

Number of ambulances you see with blue lights on

Number of deliveroo or just eat delivery people seen and the proportion who are female
Number of unique tube/DLR stations you walk past?
Number of times a comment makes you sigh out loud with annoyance!
Number of boroughs visited - might be an interesting one to compare in future years.
The number of people queueing outside a coffee shop that you pass would be an interesting count.. (how are they allowed to be open still?!)
Things I do make for better counts than things I see.
Number of disposable masks you see discarded while on your (albeit restricted) travels.
Number of Zoom meetings you participate in.

dg writes: 0
Number of vegetables you eat, where a portion counts as one.
Number of creme egg rewards for predicting a comment.
The number of times you have a non-routine meal (e.g. something that is not repeated within a fortnight - or some period that feels right for you).
How about counting the number of postcode number plates you spot. The first, almost ignored count, gave an indication on the thinking processes of the East London male.
Number of times you curse
Count the number of conversations you are involved in outside. a) that you initiate, b) that someone else does.
Number of times you put on a mask.

dg writes: 7
Bird species seen?
I realised yesterday how much your blog has become a part of my life when I thought 'ah, DG's The Count will start tomorrow'.
Number of days in the month that you do not leave your house.
Number of noses you see sticking out over the top of a facemask
Things I do make for better counts than things I see.
Number of times in the month that you check on the Mystery Count.
How often do you physically write something, as in pen on paper - but if your making notes for your blog, this might be daily/or how much mail do you send and receive - but the aforementioned C-19 problems will impact the results.

If you still have a landline - how often is it used.

How many times you laugh out loud.
I am going to count
my hours of sleep (7.5 so far if the count starts with the night of 31Jan/1Feb,
cups of tea (2 so far, but a third is brewing right now) and
hours outside my residential compound (zero so far, but I have been working and supervising distance learning).
Number of people you speak to F2F, excepting when you are buying something.
The number of Cadbury Creme Eggs. It might even one day replace the Becks count.
How many readers' comments that you edit or delete or directly reply to.

dg writes: No.
Is atypicality gradable?
Number of photos you take while out and about?

I will laugh myself silly if this is the one year the Mystery Count does in fact happen!
Number of cup-a-soups consumed.

I also like 'number of times hands washed'
Number of times you switch on or off a light/power switch.
Number of ???? - number of question marks in your blog posts this month.
I am counting cups of tea (11 so far) and online meetings (3).

It is surprisingly difficult to think of something original for dg to count. Books read? Hours of TV watched?
12. Visits to the bathroom (don't need to know what you do in there though. Lets see if tea in equals tea out & if the occasional Becks makes any difference.
Number of cash transactions.

dg writes: 4

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