please empty your brain below

If relevant, please start your comment with a number from 1 to 31.
25. The low key opening of the 125 is a dummy run because Sadiq Khan is concerned that there is no name Crossrail can be called in publicity without any blowback.
27. Blue Mondays also has fantastic Aussie style street decor.
20: look out for the Hitler salute that Alan Cumming accidentally did at the end of the title sequence - he was also appearing in Cabaret at the time. There's also an extra at the start of the first scene of the first episode who looks suspiciously like Chris Morris.
30: I sort of I assumed you'd have them ticked off on a map somewhere.
11. I was similarly appalled, and am done with that pub now. It’s perfect location has stopped being attractive enough.
3: Did the pharmacist think you looked much older?
7: David Cameron's passport?
10: That pot looks as if it needs a top up of compost
6: It's quite a shock to know DG is in that line in the first plsce.
11: Pub name/location please, it's not an offence to draw attention to what one might consider to be an exceptionally high price for anything. Current supermarket example: Waitrose trumpeting single bottles of Bulmers Cider at 25p off, now £1.75, when a box of 8 is £8.50 at Sainsburys (£7.50 mind you a few months back).
30.What's happened to the series about station hinterlands? Seems to have died a quiet death.
1 - get a bayonet to screw adapter.

3 - at least the pharmacist was able to fulfill your prescription, recently I've had 'we can't supply this due to production/availability issues', then had to get the doctor to issue an alternative.

9 - there was a Radio 4 programme about calorie use, they think its about 2500 calories in normal circumstances (so not walking to the north pole), they studied some tribe somewhere, expecting their calorie use to be really high because of all the walking etc., but it was around 2500, so exercise by all means, but if you want to burn lots of calories turn one room into a walk in freezer and walk around in it for several hours a day.

10 - that implies that there are unbrazen squirrels.

25 - apparently Colindale was on the blinds - but the computer pressy button thingy hadn't been updated.
26. Xst, you really know how to party!
17 Bet you 6d the mysterious backing track is from Brian Eno's "Apollo" suite.
29. If the gypsy tarts came from the bakery in Station Road at Birchington, then it's the same as my preferred supplier of equally traditional and delicious rum truffles.
11: It would appear that you and @Geofftech have been socialising again. I’d like to join you one day.

16: You have mentioned it - so can you still write about it? (Please do!)
28. Completely agree with Years and Years. They had me right from the start when the news broadcast at the beginning mentioned the death of Doris Day the previous day - which had actually happened the previous day!!! How the heck....?!
Just read out #20. Partner expostulates 'we love you DG!'. Looking forward to leading the High Life all over again...
(11) Are Geofftech and DG's oft-mentioned "Bestmate" one and the same?
3) i also find it disturbing to see the shock when i tell them that i pay !

9) if you can be bothered, i found that the food logging apps give a really useful insight into the amount of calories (and sugar) that i was ingesting. I used MyFitnessPal.

other food loggers are available - maybe the RT even have their own !
15) The greatest failure of modern technology is that so many people have only heard music through ear plugs rather than proper speakers. Get some decent woofers and tweeters, mount them properly, position them properly, and enjoy.
27. Cultural pertinence? - for me, I put together the start of the playground song 'Monday is washing day" with Dolly Blue whitening agent and I get Blue Mondays as a punning name for a launderette. Grew up with both.
0) How do you organise writting your blog? Do you keep a diary which you refer back to, or do you just keep a lot of draft documents knocking about?
9) You might need to vary your exercise a bit. Your body has probably become very efficent and walking now.
11) You should try being tee-total.
30) I'd have thought you'd have done a Geofftech style techique of marking off the visits on a tube map.
1. Wilko light fittings are cheap but not very reliable in my experience. The last two so-called long-life bulbs that I got from there failed after one week and one month respectively. I now get my bulbs from Wickes.

15. kev: don't you think it would be inconvenient to other passengers on public transport if you were to mount and position woofers and tweeters around your seat? Or is that the joke?
15) Milliem: I didn't realise we were talking about public transport.
5: Happened to me too on the North Downs Way, this Good Friday, on the bridleway near Coldrum Lane, Trottiscliffe. Of course, they had removed the registration plates from their off-road motorbikes.
10. Squirrel appears confrontational. We're you threatening to eat his nuts?
My locals' record is scrumpy 3 squirrels 0, all victims of unfortunate drowning incidents in the trap.
30. Genuinely disturbed to see there's an unvisited Tube station.
11 - I had a pint at the Founders Arms a few weeks back for the first time in a while and felt the same way. Given your comment about the location that would be my guess.
9. Fitbit or App?
1. "I went hunting for lightbulbs"

This is what the internet is for - saves you wasting your time trudging around shops only to find that they don't have what you want. Invariably cheaper too...
Days which have not inspired comment:
2 4 8 12 14 18 19 21 22 23 24 31

(but the majority have, cheers!)

5) I used to do that - trail riding - but haven't done much since the Countryside Rights of Way Act reduced the status of a great many Byways to non-vehicular, and the majority of the mates I used to ride with packed it in. For me it was never about speed but about combining two favourite pastimes, motorbikes and enjoying the countryside.
I hope the riders you encountered weren't uncivil.
23. The reason the names were crossed out is because there is a combined register covering three different franchises (local, Westminster and European). The names crossed out in this case don't have the European Parliament franchise in the UK. Either they chose to exercise it in their country of citizenship (e.g. there was a polling station set up in Stratford last Sunday for ex pat Romanians) or they never completed the declaration form to transfer their franchise to here or it didn't get processed.
21 - I discovered on Friday that Jamie's is still a going concern in Budapest:

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