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Just don't know what the government is playing at, Sajid with his Randian nonsense. Almost wish Matt Hancock to return.

Word on the street is Murdoch wanted an unlockdown and back to pre covid, hence decision to publish video footage and have him resign.
"We now know the 'Christmas' date is going to be this month" - we of course 'know' no such thing. Or, if we do, it's a loooong way short of 'knowing' the sun is going to rise tomorrow
I find myself looking back on the optimism we felt (or were encouraged to feel) this time last year and wondering if it's repeating itself.
I find these small group prediction posts interesting but picking this latest unlocking date was a lottery.

Hancock (pro-lockdown) out, Javid (anti-lockdown) in. He talks to the clown PM, who is commonly acknowledged to agree with the last person who spoke to him, and suddenly it's July 19th.

Tie that in with a very possible Euro 2020 win and it'll be 'fun times' Boris which is what he actually cares about.
I enjoyed the Evan Davis double-take on PM yesterday when the expert guest commented that as a healthy double-vax'd 67 year-old man, he remained more likely to die of covid than an unvax'd 30 year-old.
In the meantime here in Australia with its small population and vast distances we are locked down as soon as anyone sniffs and have no hope of getting out of the country (or anyone getting into the country) until at least next year. Help!
Full relaxation of foreign travel restrictions concerns me the most.

Without even looking at the global impact air travel has on climate change, there's now a feeling of 'Covid in 2020, what will it be next?'
What wearies me most is the blinkered certainty some people seem to have, one way or the other, even looking several months into the future.
Cornish Cockney I agree. Can society afford or survive such freedom of travel?

Anyhow, I can’t really predict anything but unpredictability.
When your good your good :)
Interesting to compare the mutually supporting comments in the different echo chambers.

All bets may be off if the Lambda variant (first detected in Peru) shows a measure of vaccine resistance, as some reports suggest.
We are in for some fun and games when we start discussing the three successive variants of Zeta, Eta and Theta. And I wonder what comes after Omega.... I doubt it will be long before we get there - those of us who survive, that is!
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