please empty your brain below

Excellent cycling there, too. Links to the Lea Valley path, and through to the Lea Valley Park, so very nice for families.

Oh, and I do like the way that the link to "French Artist" is 406 Not Acceptable

(OK, So is Gunpowder Park, but that would spoil the line)

Brilliant. The Gunpowder Park website doesn't appear to allow links from Blogger.

Follow any of the links I've included in today's blog and you get the 406 error message. Cut and paste the same links into your browser and they work fine.

Do the fools not want any publicity?

Ha. They probably don't. I think it's a lovely place but it rarely gets many visitors partly because no one, including locals, know it is there. And those that have heard the name think it is something to do with Gunpowder Mills up the road which is a completely different type of park (with a museum about the Royal Artillery Works, and lots of historical re-enactment and steam fair type events). Lee Valley really need to sort their marketing out for this park, and the problems with the links just emphasis how unimaginative they are being.

I visited the Royal Gunpowder Mills two years ago (because my great grandfather used to work there). And that's very good too.

darren, edward and meself had a quit shimmy round the park a few weeks ago. very deserted. and windswept. and un-grown.

no pony to feed?

The map link is puzzling. Someone (me? you? Google?) has got it wrong.

dg writes: Ah, sorry, me. Should work now.

The village of Waltham abbey is nice too. (see link)

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