please empty your brain below

Now you'll be able to stand between the yellow lines. Well done. Thanks for the bollard, by the way. Fascinating.

I'm proud of you, DG.

Most impressive, finding the happy medium is I'm sure the key here.

Well done!

So today's maths puzzle from DG is to work out the value of X...

Congratulations DG!

I too have shed 15 pounds over the last 2 months, and am now within 5 pounds of my college weight. I'm down three belt notches and look younger to boot!

What's the secret to my weight loss program? Fruit. It's always easy to fill up on fruit... bread is overrated. Sweets? They scarcely compare to strawberries. BTW I've noticed that there is nothing that brings out the flavor of unsweetened oatmeal like strawberries.

Very well done indeed!

I've managed a similar weight loss since last year, and (so far) it seems that the change in eating habits has lasted. Eating lots of fruit certainly helps.

Me, I'm down 45 lbs, over 3 stone, in just over a year!

Keep it going DG. The girls may even be looking at you more kindly these days!

I think I suggested the 'happy medium' idea when you first embarked on your low cholesterol diet. Glad to hear you're following it. Well done, and remember to keep it up!

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