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Just so Tories - the lives of Conservative Brexiteers
Nineteen Eighty-Fur, reminiscences of the fashion industry in the Thatcher era.
Animal Far - a pig in the distance
Peer Rabbit - a politician's autobiography
A Roo with a View - marsupial decides to upgrade his hotel room
Far from the Adding Crowd - pupil plays truant from maths class |
Ale of Two Cities - locations of best watering holes in London and Paris.
A Sort of Lie - modern politics
Harry Otter - magic goings on in the lake
A Midsummer Night's Ream - tales from an on-call printer engineer
Mein Kamp - Hitler goes backpacking in the forest
The Never Ending Tory - although a film rather than a book!
Win in the Willows - Big prizes to be had in forest-based game.
The Princess Ride - the story of Anne's showjumping experience
A Midsummer Night's Dram - a scotch at the end of the longest day |
Do Androids Dream of Electric Seep? - probably time for an annual service.
The Hose at Pooh Corner - fire precautions in the Hundred-Acre Wood
A Tale of Two Ities - The Two Gentlemen of Verona Love, Labour's Lost - how to break the election results to your husband Leak House - The roof needs fixing The Pickwick Apers - Dickensian plagiarists Macbet - a Caledonian wager The Darling Bus of May - the Prime Minister's favourite Routemaster |
The Hird Man - Autobiography by Thora's husband
The Lion, The Itch and The Wardrobe - Big cat gets fleas after poking through furniture.
The Silver Hair - Mum's going grey. |
Henry V: oh wait, that also exists
Laughterhouse-Five - A story of a clown’s experiences in 1940s Dresden
Oliver Twit - tale of a blithering idiot
The Grapes of Wath - A tale of a vineyard in South Yorkshire
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