please empty your brain below

I assume DG won't blog about [HAND SANITISER BRAND]'s advertising campaign on the tube until TfL publish the contract online and we know the value of the deal.
• concern over increase in cases in Scotland
School related? Will be watching for the rise in cases here in a few weeks time then!
Concerns over students returning to universities ..... that some people have been voicing for months and are still crying in the wilderness. Utter, utter (and utterly pointless) madness.
I love these summaries. I CBA/don't have time to research most summaries on most media these days so I look forward to your weekly summaries.
Oh look, a spike in cases in the last couple of days. Who could have guessed that return to work and return to school would increase spread of infection.

Did my regular commute yesterday for the first time since March. A daily ticket costs how much?! Not convinced that being in the office makes up for the time travelling. Mask, hand sanitiser, max two per lift, one way walking routes, disinfectant wipes for equipment touch points, no canteen. Welcome to the new normal.

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