please empty your brain below


I REALLY want to suggest that no-one should comment on THIS post but by doing so.. I'll have commented on this post...

Shoot. That would've been funny.

To me.

I thought that comment sounded familiar, so I went to the metrovox and realized it was the ex who wrote it.

Bless her, she doesn't like blogger!

the ex?! hmph.
and yes it was me, I was a beta vox user, not one of my proudest moments!

'She' also happens to have 2 blogger accounts. (as well as 2 lj's, 1 xanga, 2 domains, 2 wordpress.coms and well you get the picture!)

It seems to be worse than you suggest DG - I can't even see the comments, let alone leave one. Do you need to be a vox account holder to see the comments?

I can see the comments at the bottom here.
All five of them.

Ah yes - I missed the tiny grey '5 comments' text just below the headline.

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