please empty your brain below

Please don't discuss the location of the treasure in this comments box. No dead giveaways, no "subtle clues", no blatant showing-off.

Thank you.

An observation. The post on Starbucks generated 53 comments. Starbucks may have its faults but it isn’t really the end of civilisation as we know it, is it?

That on slavery and 1807, a most momentous occasion, and the consequent continuation of slavery across the world even today, a modern tragedy – gets seven comments.

The Starbucks post received eight times the comments.

Nah: 7 times eight equals 56, not 53.

Seriously, though... is obviously...

...very important...

Well done folks - you're doing a fantastic job of not discussing today's treasure hunt so far.

Now shut up


dg repeats: Please don't discuss the location of the treasure in this comments box.

sorry, i'll email you instead (i'm in nz, so can't get there and it driving me crazy)

Please may I have a special card next time I see you? Because, well, I'm special, aren't I?

The short answer to your question is no. I cannot crack the clue and find the treasure. Yaaarr.

I'm rubbish at these things anyway, even if I could get the day off.

An observation. The post on Starbucks generated 53 comments. Starbucks may have its faults but it isn’t really the end of civilisation as we know it, is it?

I'm starting to remember why I gave up blogging for a while.

Well I'm stumped, and the kingdom of T'ah 'Amlits is only over there. Booo.

This is an awesome idea! Treasure, yes. Feeble, no!

I would wish I lived in London so I could join the fray, but I guess I could just do my own treasure hunt, if that's ok with you.

so following on from last Tuesday's post, how did moo cards "encourage" you to feature them so centrally in today's entry?

(That must be the point, surely, since we're not allowed to comment on the hunting aspect of the entry...)

I would suggest that the finder(s) photograph the card in situ using one of those phone gizmos and email it to DG. That way every one who turns up can "find" it.

My brain can't work this one out at all... and I'm just round the corner

Good suggestion Rick.

Didn't I see that card tucked in a phone box, under 'Braless Betty' and 'Naughty Nimphos direct to you'.
Had any strange calls yet for personal services perchance?

so can we talk about slavery again to balance that with coffee

my question: if we/they/anyone-in-a-senior-position apologises, who does it help?
If it makes the Churuch thinks that makes their involvement OK now and we will all go to heaven because we said sorry, then isn't that the exact opposite of what everyone wants? Apologise, wash you hands, forget and move on. Or don't apologise and remember just what a terrible thing our ancestors were involved in.
Alternatively we could start a movement to demand an apology from Sweden/Norway etc for the rape, pillaging etc etc by the Vikings.

I found it! I found it! It's in nvwp v,.s.bvs;bs26
Why has it gone dark?


I'm so... tiirrrreeddd...


You could apologise because someone wants you to and it costs you nothing. It helps the person who wants the apology, surely. Where is the downside exactly?

Hmmm-think I will go into Starbucks for a cup of gnats' piss to ponder the puzzle.

QUOTE: I wanted to hide one somewhere in the City of London, but the City turned out to be almost 100\\% "buildings" and "churchyards"

You wait till you want to do *anything* that doesn't involve being a good little consumer or worker bee. Same problem occurs all over London. Of course if all you do is shop and work you won't have noticed...

Ohh idea! - Public spaces that you can do whatever (legal thing) you want in.

Got it! I've left it in situ for others to find.

Yeah, but when will us poor plods who are not in town get to know the answers? (esp the significance of each clue). what say, Monday? After the corporate drones (like me, but enslaved in London) have had the weekend to find the card? Ta

You didn't mean this treasure, then..... http:/


*wonders if Ollie had the day off specially*

Oh wait - he's an orienteer, probably not. Well done Ollie

did anyone else find it?!?

And are you going to tell us sometime what the clues mean?

Update: 29 March 2008

I went back today and, what do you know, the treasure was still there! A bit moist, but still wholly intact. So I took it home with me.

(the solution is still here)

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