please empty your brain below

But Monday is CHEAP NIGHT at the cinema!

Could you not do both? Pretty please.

I'm staying in too, buddy.

It's all good.

Shouldn't the door be shut at the top of this post?

...."Shouldn't the door be shut at the top of this post?"

Heh, heh... but no, surely this open door indicates DG is home and open to visitors

In fact the door should certainly not be open when he's out...not in East London!

I went out. In fact I guess I was very close to you - at an orchestra rehearsal in the Methodist Church right near Bow Station.

But whilst I guess it was vaguely sociable it isn't going to do much for reducing my single status seeing as there are only about 2 other people vaguely near my age there (and only about 4 men in total, most of whom are well into retirement)

I saw you at The Depot (LT Museum store) on Saturday but, of course, didn't recognise you!!!

You couldn't be boring if you tried!

Monday night is a splendid time to go the movies, especially if the weather's shit. (Here in NYC we don't get Cheap Night, it's always 11 bucks, ergh.)

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