please empty your brain below

The Grimsby site apparently has "ariel" views.

Aust services on the M4. For the last sighting of Richey Manic's car. Words Fail....

Burdett Road from Pulp's 'Mile End'? On my only visit there (not a rock pilgrimage) I got some dog shit all over my new trainers that proved impossible to remove. Which says it all, really.

Mapledurham Mill is rather less known for its Sabbath connection than it is for its starring role in The Eagle Has Landed.

As an impressionable young lad, I went up there with a few friends with the sole purpose of having a gun fight. They told us to stop.

Howabout sending Duran Duran fans to the scariest pub in central Birmingham?

Interesting site. I'm all in favour of helping Manic Street Preachers fans jump off the Severn Bridge. The should do coach tours (one way tickets only of course)

I spent 26 years living near Grimsby. I think Bernie Taupin was drunk/stoned/suffering from head trauma when he wrote those lyrics.

Don't diss Grimsby, it's part of my heritage.

Don't make me come over and do the fish-slap dance on you :D

Grimsby isn't *that* bad. Some of the people who live there aren't *that* bad either.

As for the 'ariel' views, a disturbing number of Grimsby road-signs have spelling mistakes on too.

If Grimsby can make it Hull should definitely be there. What about the Beautiful South's lyric: "Hull with its musical flair"? Or the fact that 'Everything But The Girl' took their name from a furniture store in the city. Even the opportunity to visit the council's 'Mick Ronson Bandstand'. Does none of this warrant a mention?

a map of 200 suggested music/arty places is always going to cause a bit of disgruntlement on 1 or 2 places.

it will also alwyas cause disgruntlement when somewhere is missed off!

damned if you do...

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