please empty your brain below

I'd rather pay for Hawk services than the Olympics.

I am split on this one- the pigeons are coming my way down Strand and alight now on the Aldwych and St Clements Dane. In small number they are no threat to health and hygene- indeeed they serve to remove some of the detritus left by our visitors. Indeed some are welcome [immigration blog]

Where are you [what position do you take] on the Manor Garden Allotments demolition?

More Harris Hawks for Trafalgar Square!

Planarchists like Harris Hawks, oh yes!

As an occasional birdwatcher, I've been heartened to regularly spot Peregrine Falcons flying around the Holborn/Smithfield area recently. Their main food is pigeons.

Anything to try and get rid of the pigeons is good in my book...

Getting the pigeon-feed sellers out of the square is one of the best things the Mayor has ever done.

I don't understand. Surely a live, daily pigeon attack would make a great tourist attraction. They could use eagles and vultures and radio controlled attack helicopters.....

I'm with Uncle Ken on this one. They're flying rats. The more that can be done to control the population the better. I seem to recall hearing a report which said that if there were less pigeons in London, there would be more room for other bird species. Not sure if this is good or bad, but I would like to see the theory put to the test.

Hawks are used to keep a number of modern buildings pigeon free like Channel 4's Spacecraft

Hee-larious! It takes more than an over-hyped hawk to scare a London pigeon!

i think that they should do what kingston did to get rid of pigeons - hire a marksman.

Jesus. The smile on her chops is scary as. Do you think she's eating the pigeons too? Hawks suck the big one. Mind you, the one on the Square doesn't actually do anything. Like you say, it just flies around giving it large for a while saying 'Boo', and then sits down again. Totally agree - a big old waste of money. Imagine how much seed that would buy!
Your pal. Bri P

The pigeons were nonplussed? Are you sure?

dg apologises: Ah, no - misuse of a commonly misused word there, sorry.

I used to work in Pall Mall a fair while ago (before they pedestrianised that area). It was always a toss up what would kill me first - breaking my neck by slipping on wet pigeon shit in the rain or a BMW driver running me over on the zebra crossing.

Feed the Birds - the Birds of Prey, that is...

Until I had the enormous privilege to handle a number of birds of prey, I had imagined them to be dead-eyed killers, devoid of charm, living links to carnivorous dinosaurs. Nothing could have been further from the truth. Exposed to a wide range of (admittedly hand-reared) hawks, falcons and owls it was clear that they are all intelligent, characterful and a pleasure to engage. Harris hawks are not large, longer and leaner of body than urban pigeons but no heavier. I'm sure the trafalgar square pigeon numbers now are utterly unaffected by the Harris's appearances, which makes the project seem a bit daft. Having seen up close a juvenile Harris take on a full grown male pheasant and come up with all the tail feathers, I'm sure the trafalgar square vermin would think twice if this Harris were to fetch himself a bit of lunch. The looks on the tourists faces must be a picture. What time does this take place?

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