please empty your brain below

There is something sinister about all this. (Latin for left or to the left,
A heraldry term referring to the left of the bearer of the arms, and to the right by the viewer's eyes; Bar sinister, heraldic phrase representing illegitimacy,
Sinister Dexter, comic book
Simon Bar Sinister, villain on the Underdog cartoon show; Bend Sinister, novel by Vladimir Nabokov;The Sinister Signpost, Hardy Boys novel by Franklin W. Dixon; Bend Sinister (album), album by the best band in the world ever The Fall.)

And now MI5 warnings on my phone.

Things have apparently gone to pack since George Smiley left the Circus ...

It's got to be the most crackpot idea ever. What is the point of it? Will it help anyone to know this? By email?You'd think they'd have more important matters to deal with than sending out daft emails. I can't wait for the MI5 Podcast ......

Ah sod it. I'm going to sign up, just so I can take the piss out of them at a later date.

You do realise that when MI5 realise that all their increased web traffic has come via this website, they might start spying on you?

And look what fun we can all have with spoof MI5 emails.

Spoof emails is all you might get.
MI5 is not using their own website for this data, they are using a commercial email marketing company in the usa.

hang on tight for the spam and botnet attacks.


Must be worth recalling the Preparing for Emergencies official web site and, spoof site - when the officials failed to register the "" address.....

This is hysterical.

Great post.

It's a far cry from 1940s-style preparedness when Whitehall put out recipe leaflets telling you how to make delicious puddings from turnips and old socks. The fantasy level is similar though.

Come back Captain Mainwairing, we need you.

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