please empty your brain below

I believe that "getting off at Brompton" was formerly a euphemism for premature ejaculation.

They're not for washing your hands in, you big silly.

And I'd say the altar and tabernacle are rather more important than the confessionals.

dg confesses: Well, that just shows how easy it is to misinterpret what you see people doing. Let me tweak my text slightly.

They shut my local tube station? It's a conspiracy.

An Air Squadron based in a tube station. Irony. The Americans will understand that. (subway)

From one of your links: "It is not possible to access the site from the surface. An attempt was made to enter the site about five years ago and this resulted in the dead body of the `visitor' being found a month later at the bottom of the 110 ft. ventilation shaft, which he had apparently fallen through from the roof above." Yuck! How grim!

Great story. I loved the site about the tiles. Anorakism to the extreme, but well worth it.

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