please empty your brain below

Pray tell, who is Dudley and is he related to Thomas in any way?

Dudley is a blue train with a smiley face who lives at the North Woolwich Old Station Museum. Looks like a bastard cousin of Thomas, yes.

We always used to call the North London Line the Alice in Wonderland line because the returns were a penny cheaper than the singles. Mind you that was years ago.

In 1989, when I first moved to London from rural Somerset, I actually lived in E16, just behind Custom House station. So after eighteen years of living in rural isolation and dreaming of living in the big city, my first experience of London transport was using the North London Line. I thought I'd died and gone to hell. I quickly discovered that getting the bus and going to Plaistow tube station was infinitely more preferable.

And all the carriages smelt of piss.

Still, it's sad. I suppose. Possibly.

My husband has his ticket from the 'last ever passenger train' from Earsham to Bungay (only a mile, but it did go through two counties. 1953, I think. I'm old, but he's older.

Having suffered the Silverlink for two years I can't say I'm sorry to see any part of it go. As long as it's replaced by something better (Donkey carts? Bicycle rickshaws?). Still it did at least prompt me to start blogging. Whether that is a point in it's favour or not I don't know

I went to visit one last time - I'd used it a few times on my way to and from the ferry. It is indeed glum; I wonder why they didn't simply transfer this section to the London City Airport leg of the DLR rather than build a whole new elevated bit only a hundred yards away.

I suspect the key reason that they built the DLR extension is that it links to City Airport rather than passing half a mile away. Plus the DLR goes through West Silvertown, which the old NLL never did.

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