please empty your brain below

Presumably that's what the countdown is now counting down to ... number of days till they find a fix

I hope they credited you...

Hmm, I see that they didn't.

I wondered why the London Lite distributors down High Holborn seemed extra-specially keen to thrust three copies of their newspaper into my face on the way home this afternoon. Unfortunately, as usual, I ignored all their protestations.

I love a "semi-amateur well-meaning typically-British balls-up". What's the betting the Beijing 2008 clock in Tiananmen Square is correct to the last second?

Print journos stealing from numerate bloggers without crediting them. Whatever next. Ah, yes....

To be honest, they did ask me beforehand if I had any photos they could use. And then they took their own photo with a much better quality camera.

That makes it even worse that they didn't credit you then!

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