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Thanks for the excellent Banksy link

Roll on complete pedestrianisation! It can't be beyond the wit of man to work out the buses? I might actually go there when they do. :o)

Not sold on pedestrianisation - look at some of the frightening shitholes that ensue when the sun goes down on some of these places that have had the opportunity to escape danger by bus taken out of them - Romford South Street, Croydon North End (a mile and a half walk for a bus to get out!), Woolwich etc.

I'm not too sure about complete pedestrianisation either. What about people who use the buses to get to the shops? I have wonky knees, and need a stick to walk, so I often get the bus between shops n Oxford Street. If it is pedestrianised, I'll just have to stop going, and I can't be the only one.

Under current pedestrianisation plans, a single tram (or guided bus) service would run along Oxford Street, but all other vehicles would be banned.

I don't get the comment about Croydon North End. A mile and a half walk ? Even at times when you can't get through the Whitgift or Centrale shopping centre to the very convenient buses and trams you have other bus and tram stops at both ends of North End which is only 500m long.

As is the case with Croydon in general, you might not like it but it does have the redeeming feature that it has excellent and convenient transport links to enable you to escape. And in the highly unlikely event that you do get beaten up in North End at night you will have the comforting thought that the incident will almost certainly be recorded on CCTV and may even be watched live.

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