please empty your brain below

I have to ask; are you one of those rather clever people who updates Wikipedia? Because if you aren't then you should certainly think about doing it.

I'll never cease to be amazed at the wealth of top info to be garnered from reading your blog.

Ps. Lend us a fiver.

If you want to see the memorial to the MP killed by the Rocket, go to Chichester cathedral. It is located near the back of the west side.

The Duke of Wellington was very sexy.

Is that correct^ or is it a boot reference. I have heard £ 5 note called a Wellie..

It must have been a satisfying age of pomp and decor, when one could enshrine one's vanquished enemy in marble & a figleaf!

Highly amusing!

And no mention of the fact that the portrait of George Stephenson on the £5 bore a striking resemblence to Frankie Howerd...

Of course there was a railway outside the house where Geordie boy grew up. But he adopted the primitive wooden horse drawn system and helped start the modern world. Such a legend...

Interesting house No 1 Piccadilly - but a deadly boring hero in Wellington. So he defeated Napoleon - well, him and a few thousand well -trained Prussian soldiers led by Blücher in one lucky battle where Napoleon made mistakes but what else? Ineffective Prime Minister , no scandalous private life à la Nelson, no exciting war journals. . .

How dare you, Sir? What kind of name is Anonymous, you cad.

No scandalous private life? But I thought he was the one who said 'Publish and be damned!'

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