please empty your brain below

" I'm going to ignore them." What a splendidly sweeping statement. Personally, I have no trouble ignoring calculus, optics and mechanics, but gravity has proved more difficult.

He's "an" inventor of calculus. Not "the".

... or even an inventor of something he called his method of influxions - which is calculus but not as we know it today. It's not as good as the method developed by Leibnitz around the same time which is the basis of modern calculus.

Pendatic of Purley's rule of inventions: if someone invents something in your own country then you always credit only them with the invention even if someone elsewhere invented it earlier - or better.

There are quite a few monuments to Newton in the capital. The one at Westminster Abbey for example, or the Paolazzi one in the British Library, That notwithstanding, fantastic Blog! Take several "Well Done"s.

Gravity be damned! You've missed Newton's most exciting achievement, well known to anyone who ever looked at one of his pound notes. He invented the Toblerone! It's there on the table...

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