please empty your brain below

But what should I do about it? Go cycling?

.... by which criteria the entire England rugby squad is clinically obese.

I'd like to think I could play rugby if I tried.

I'm open to trying just about any sport, but rugby scares the crap out of me.

Of course, a good crap would probably get me out of the obese category. I'm over the limit by three pounds.

I'm not obese, just 2 foot short for my weight!!

Cycling but six miles a day a couple of summers ago took masses off my waist, ian, while making my calfs nice and shapely. At the same time I had cut out all crisps/chocolate (but not home-baked flapjacks, as I was road testing my mothers recipe at the time!).

Sadly that came to an end in winter and it became a chore rather than a pleasure.

Ian, the Daily Telegraph published an infallible guide to losing weight.

Eat less, move more.

Or as Jasper Carrot memorably said, the reason you are fat is because your cake hole is bigger than your a**hole.

I find the Norway diet the best. You visit Norway and there is no(r) way you can afford the food prices. Been there twice. Worked both times.

I'm 24.1, but with Xmas not far off if I don't shift a little I could easily spill into the >25s come the new year...

If I could just grow 20 inches taller I'd just about be in the "normal" banding. Shopping for clothes would be tricky, with my then being 7' 3", but at least I'd no longer be obese.

I tried the Norway diet. It failed for me. I guess that pounds in the wallet are less of a problem for me than those under my belt.

Josh. Have you considered darts?

Despite it meaning that I will spend a good proportion of my life in hospital, the genetic condition that I have keeps me at the "just about underweight" level. At least I know I have little to worry about now

What about foot size? I have large feet therefore I have greater mass (not weight, please) than others- 6'2" of muscle has great gravitas.

I read somewhere that the test of being overweight is this:- Remove clothes, stand in front of mirror, jump up and down. If anything wobbles apart from boobs in women and tackle in men, then you are overweight. Easy!

Argh, why did I have to do my daily Diamond Geezer reading over my Krispy Kreme today of all days?

Thanks for this. It's the first time I've ever calculated my BMI, which turns out to be 23.0. I'm happy that I'm within the normal range, but my 'bad cholesterol' level is too high and I've just been diagnosed with an underactive thyroid, which explains why I had gained a stone in weight in the last 12 months. Thankfully, I'm now taking the tablets to restore my thyroxine levels, which will increase my metabolism and burn off more calories. If only I could stop eating the biscuits as well...

I'm normal.

I know that's open for debate, but weight-wise I am. Honest,.

love the note to american readers. made my day. thanks

oh forgot, 24.7 give us another packet of crisps

Science has discovered the answer to all your weight problems. Bottoms up!!!

//I am DG's worst nightmare... an American cyclist in London.

Is it just me who is disturbed by TowerblockTina's activities?

Ian - yes I agree an but I didn't want to say anything. Must be the Tower Block connotation that makes me think she may be prone to try it leap frogging from a window......

Dear Mr Geezer,

I write on behalf of the American Nation to protest strongly at your snide insinuation that we are likely to be overweight.

Never have I seen such a sloppy generalization before and I must insist that you put the facts down accurately!

So hear this! We're ALL gutbuckets and lard mountains, dammit! Got that?


Ivor Bigmac

OK but which time of day do I measure my height? And in what shoes?

This American's only 2 stone away from obese ... if I keep up the Quality Street diet, stay off my cycle, and grow my ever-greying beard, I can be Santa in no time.

Tower Block Tina's definition works for me. Thanks gel.

This put me off eating....for a nanosecond.

An acquaintance of mine recently returned from the UK where she claimed hardly anyone was overweight.

Americans, by contrast, are even more obese.

I think the figure is 1 out of 3 are officially obese... with epidemic levels of diabetes and juvenile obesity. All due to TV mostly... the great sedative of the masses. The irony is that 90\\% of people on TV are thin as sticks.

Of course no one ever walks anywhere anymore. There's no where to walk anyhow... when you live in a suburb with the nearest store 5 miles away in a supermall.

Too much stuff...

I've never actually tried the 'wobble test' myself, just thought it would amuse, and as I live right in town(at the top of a TowerBlock) I walk everywhere, shops, library, park,leisure, buses, trains to London/Brighton, all 5 minutes away, and the view is fantastic! So there, hurrah for towns!

This american's wants to say thanks for the lecture on stones, too bad you never learned not to throw them from a glass house.

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