please empty your brain below

The old BBC1 idents were rubbish, though. Especially that fucking "nightclub" one. Probably didn't help they came in the day the Queen Mum died, mind, and nobody seemed to have a "national crisis" one planned.

And they only nicked the "let's show them all" idea from the last night of LWT before it became ITV1.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to write a stiff letter to the Mail about them wasting a whole FOUR MINUTES of TV TAX money on indulging TV anoraks, when they could have been showing pictures of that nice Prince William instead.

Show them all idea is a nice send off and I'm sure not a new idea. But having just rewatched them, I think I prefer the new ones for being gentler already.

Rather, I'm sure LWT were not the first nor the last to use it.

Thanks for the link to the "send-off" on YouTube, now that I've seen'em all together like that, I think I'll miss them!

Shurely Thames did the same?

You know, I'm so glad those dancing things have gone. If I had a telly that worked I'd relish not having to see them any more. I used to switch them off as they got to me that much. The balloons were best - bring back the balloons!

Thanks DG, while looking at the BBC idents on youtube I found this which screened on tv one here in NZ in 1991. Every few weeks we'd get a new installment in the story of the little dog stolen then dumped in Auckland, trying to find his way home to his young owner in the deep south. The much anticipated final premiered on Christmas Day. An added bonus was spotting all the TV personalities of the time that appear in it. None of the idents since have been so memorable.

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