please empty your brain below

it's cold over here, but i'm still not wearing socks, haven't put the heating on BUT did wear a football shirt in bed last night. i'm closing windows during the day (except the bathroom) and opening the bedroom window at night.

but then, i do live in the 'burbs ...

Or just eat a bit more ... give yourself some extra energy.

Baby is it Cold Outside?
DG, Nothing -- with the possible exception of time -- affects the routine of daily life more than the weather. It dictates how we dress, how early you leave for work, and whether you go to see the Arsenal win again. Many of us keep our radios set so we hear the weather report as soon as we wake up. The key thing from an evo-biology point of view is not temperature but day length (in fact flowers use two hormone adjusted to wavelength that determine their whole life cycle according today length- photoperiodism link: http://www.biologie.uni-hamburg....ine/e30/
). I thus, humbly suggest it is is this primative (limbic) response that dictates our dress. Our endogenous rhytmn DG. So black suits are ok, dark clothes are good, in their own way, or winter coats.

The driver of the 134 decided we needed the heating on this morning.
And all the passengers decided that we needed all the windows closed too.
Yes it was astonishingly mild, not even a hint of a chill in the air. Do people simply decide that because it's darker in the mornings, and that because darker somehow equals 'wintery', that it is therefore colder? Even when it isn't.

Absolutely dg, I thought it was just me.

I can't speak for London, but it's pretty damn nippy in Southampton this morning. Vapour breath levels of nippy. With rain, and other such autumnal joys.

As soon as I can find a key to bleed this radiator, it's going on.

Just up the road from Nico, and yes it is nippy, as it has been most of this week.
But not cold. Certainly not cold enough to contemplate putting the heating on and if I'm wearing a coat, at least it's the bright yellow summer anorak rather than the winter one

It's been a bit nippy at night where I am: I've had to wear a warm top, some pyjama bottoms and socks to bed. Not exactly the sexiest combo, but better to do my bit for saving the planet I reckon.

I'm still not wearing a jacket during the day, but you'd better believe I've kicked the heat on a couple of times at night already...

*sigh* And we just got the summer gas bill - £30. What a sweet memory that will be in another 4 months.

I am still only wearing my suit to work. No jacket. No coat. But I did wear a scarf with my suit jacket yesterday. This, however, is probably related more to my tightness than my energy concerns. Having an autumn jacket as well as a winter coat is just an extravagance I have never got round to splashing out on....

There has been a drop in the temperature of the sea around Super Secret Sea-Base Beta of late. However, there has been no corresponding drop in air temperature. Voltan expects advection fog may occur until such time as the air cools.

The heating went on in my house(s) yesterday - but not by me; flatmate and boyfriend were responsible for that decision.

I'm still wearing t-shirts. It's a little colder, but it's still not cold. It's certainly not the weather to be wearing scarves indoors, as I can wager some people are.

Mr BW is still in t-shirts in the evenings and has only just turned to long-sleeved shirts for work. Can't imagine our heating will go on for at least another 3 or 4 weeks.

Quite right. It's a little chillier, not a great deal: very autumnal.

I was astonished to see a woman wearing winter gloves at the bus top this morning.

You native Londoners are far too soft about weather anyway - there is no real winter here!

There really is no excuse for having the heating on on a bus (other than because the driver's feeling a little chilly). If it's cold outside, passengers will be dressed appropriately - coat, hat, scarf, gloves etc. If they're dressed warmly enough to withstand the weather outside, they don't need the friggin' heating on when packed into a small space, windows closed, with 50 other people, all giving off heat. Getting on to a heated bus, is like leaving your outdoor clothes on when you get home in the evening.

Isn't "Control of the Thermostat" a matter for the classic 2nd November post?

I have a theory, what is mine,developed over the odd occasions I have found myself working in Cardiff. This is my theory, that the female of the species is able to soak up vast quantities of heat energy to store and release later. I have notied that in offices, the Cardiff girls sit shivering in winter woolies and coats all the day. This is clearly for the aforesaid purpose, so that later on in the evening they can strut the streets with a few bits of chiffon decorously arranged about their persons.

I only live down the road from DG and I think it's FREEZING!
AND I have more subcutaneous fat than him (or, at least, I should do).
Therefore it is DG that is being odd, not everyone else.

I say you've got to have at least three layers on before you even consider having the heating on!

You could settle for resilient nutter.

Come here and say that. Seriously, I can't feel my fingers, that is how cold it is in my house (oop norf).

Here in Boston I try to put off turning on the heat until the last possible moment. Which is, like, Oct. 15.

*Hangs head in shame* I wore my coat today. But that was mainly because the sky was emptying the entire contents of the past 4 months on my head! But seriously now, what time do you go out in the morning? At 7am its cold!

It's cold up here in Manchesterland, or at least the wind is very cold. And it's been chucking it down with rain all day too.

there is one advantage to switching the heating on now... it will no doubt benefit those unfortunate small percentage who switch in their heating system only to discover that the pump has decided to seize up after the long summer of inactivity

better to get it replaced now rather than trying to get a heating engineer to call when it actually gets cold and the mad rush for new pump fitting starts with a vengeance

I've put a cardi on. It is a bit chilly at the mo, but not much chillier than August.

I spotted my first winter coat wearer in Bayswater, on the 30th of August. Really...

As i understand it, the perception of cold is largely a mental construct of comfort, rather than a real physical need.

This theory was proven out by the discovery of the famous 'wolf children'... those children that had been raised by wolves in India or someplace. Anyhow, once brought into civilization, they showed no reaction at all to being outdoors without any coats on the coldest winter day.

In other words, being cold is more a mental than a physical attribute.

Paul Theroux, in one of his travel books, describes a midwinter visit to some place in northern China. No heating was the norm. Everyone wore padded clothing indoors.
In the basic 'hotel' where he stayed, you collected your piping-hot mutton stew from the counter and by the time you sat down the fat was congealing in the bowl.

So DG, You do care about the planet after all
and that global warming post recently was a troll

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