please empty your brain below

Spot on. Maybe organise a march against them?

Voltan uses similar functions on the Evilscope. However there are some improvements over Firefox. Not only does the Evilscope block advertising, it also automatically sends DDOS attacks against the originators of the adverts. This pleases Voltan.

This entry brought to you by Firefox?

I've found that never installing Flash has a similar effect. Have I missed anything?

The problem with ad-blocking software is that there are some sites that I visit reguarly that depends on advertising revenue for their continued existence. They have memberships, but those along don't pay the bandwidth costs. If it's Flash ads that bother you, don't download the Flash extensions, or disable them. Somewhere along the line, someone, somewhere, needs to pay for all this "free" stuff we load up. Inline advertising is one of the least evil ways I can think of to do this.

Yeah, the ones that pop up and cover the whole page are aggravating in the extreme, but quite frankly I don't go to sites that use those ads. Web sites do have a choice in the type of advertising they accept, and there's no excuse for allowing that sort of crap.

Hear, hear DG. And yes, a hearty hurrah for Firefox!

I know that many sites require advertising to survive. My concern is with those sites where the advertising sticks out like a sore thumb in a desperate attempt to get noticed.

Big animated rectangles slap bang in the middle of paragraphs of text cheapen the pages on which they appear, and even the smallest rectangular Flash ad (look at me! look at me!) can be unacceptably obtrusive.

Adverts - provided they're not of the pop-up variety - irritate me less than to go to a webpage and find that unless you allow a flash animation you can't view it.

Likewise, I block nearly all cookies - manually - but some sites like Argos and M&S won't allow you to even view the pages unless cookies are allowed, even if you have no intention of buying online and just want to see what the range is. Many such webpages lose me as a potential customer because of their intrusive ways.

Enlightening: some of the new Firefox stuff is very cool indeed.

Equally irritated by these things, check out the next generation of online ads...the future is 'in text ads':

I kid you not

I agree with DG, but worry that advetisers will push to make ad blockers illegal. Think I'm joking? It looks like it could soon happen on TV : http:/\\_3-

If this works I will put you forward for the Nobel Peace Prize next time I am in Stockholm.
Yesterday some full page pink excrescence blocked my screen entirely, with no means of expunging it other than the technical re-boot.

Death to admen everywhere.

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