please empty your brain below

WEre there 16? I didn't get past 12.

There is a survey in today's Evil Tyrant Digest. Voltan shall quote it here:

Nine out of ten evil minions have lied on their CVs. The most common lie is claiming to have reached henchman level when in fact one is only a flunky or less.

Voltan supposes such deceit is an occupational hazard when working in the evil industry.

32\\% of Surveys have no reason to exist other than to distract the reader from real issues.

If you collect enough data you can make statistics prove anything.

Although I'm with them on the recycling. 'Plastic bottles' is way too vague!

Interesting- just in passing- is Gloucester on the City link to Farringdon?

I think I know which one you McMade Up.

One needs to understand the use of 'surveys' as a free advertising tool, of course.

Similarly, published-in-newspapers letters from CEOs of large companies which are actually suggested and written by PR companies working for the CEO in question.

101\\% of statistics are untrue.

I can't work out which one is fake. They all lead to bbc links, and I can't be arsed clicking them all.

If surveys like this didn't exist, the Metro would implode within days.

I think Michael is right, I had to click on all the links to check.
But if you did do a study I reckon you'd get 9 out of 10.
The survey on recyling was very interestng too.

Most of these are based on quite low bases, really. I find many of these surveys interesting. I work in market research - part of my job is to take the press releases from these surveys and turn them into market usuable data for reports.

Mind you, the one about the vole?

92.6\\% of all scare stories in the media are based on dubious statistics and blown out of proportion, a recent survey suggests.

I understand the cheapest drug city is Middlesbrough. Which is fair enough - they deserve a discount for living there.

And then we also had the much depressing smoking statistic that in addition to buying up smokers are shelling an additional £666 every tear on gum and the like to cover up.
Argh, who needed to know that?

These always remind me of the Yes, Minister episode where Sir Humphrey proves to Jim that you can get a survey to prove whichever point of view you want.

I think I might plan a shopping trip to Gloucester.

Mind you, in Doncaster you can buy a house for twenty quid, down the pub*. How expensive can their drugs be?

*Don't blame me. I heard it on the radio, so it must be true.

Five out of four newpaper journalists failed math.

...and every rewritten presss release means you can get to the pub that much earlier.

PR people who get these surveys in are, in my experience, very pleased with themselves and equally as deriding. They can hardly believe their luck, or the bonus.

What's wrong with the Citizens Advice quote? It's true! Why do you think there are queues of people outside bureaux every morning? debt is our top enquiry. If any of you reading this are unemployed, I suggest you train as money adviser because Money Advice is the place to be in the next 2 - 4 years when the big banks decide its time to bankrupt customers etc!

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