please empty your brain below

Congratulations! Such tenacity indeed.

happy anniversary

Eventually there will be blog take overs or blog mergers. The Blogging Corporation of Blogsphere will charge a licence fee to blog, and the Blog police will prowl the Blogsphere catching unlicenced or dodgy bloggers.

Happy Birthday and keep ahead of the game DG.

May I be the 4th to congratulate you.
All power to your posting.

May I, on my birthday, wish your blog a very happy future and hope you have baked it a luxury birthday cake to celebrate the occasion.

May you grow old disgracefully. Happy 4th and will bake cake in your honour.

Happy Blog Birthday

Happy 4th Blogday.

But, I still don't believe those figures about the number of blogs. Most of them are undeleted litter cluttering servers.

What's the average lifespan of a blog I wonder? Weeks I'd guess.

You were, and still are, a trendsetter dg. New bloggers would do themselves a favour if they took a leaf out of your book and observed that it is possible to blog on a frequent basis with consistently good content.

Happy 4th anniversary - and keep up the good work.

aye to all that, and to Girl's comment as well - congrats!


When starting a blog it can feel like shouting into the wind. But with time things grow. In four years Voltan will have accrued considerable power. This pleases Voltan.

Happy Blog Birthday as well from the other side of the world.

happy anniversary to a great blog.

Congratulations - it's very inspiring to a tiddler like myself. And it's true that quality content doesn't go unnoticed, no matter how small the audience; and that there are some quite terrible wastes of blogspace out there. Oh well.
Here's to four more years.

Happy birthday from Deepest Hackney. And thanks.

Happy 4th Blogday from one of your Canuck readers!

Happy birthday. Like Blue Witch, though, I'm sure most of those 54 million counted blogs have been abandoned for a long time, or are rarely updated.

Bookmarks, DG?


I keep telling you ... "R.S.S" !

Of course it's all just a matter of personal taste and what people are interested in I guess. There's many an elaborate, highly crafted blog that I find a total bore.

Congrats on the 4 year anniversary. One never need worry about being being bored at the DG.


You started when I was on blogspot and had yet to move my own domain.

Congratulations for enduring blogspot all these years.

My sex blog is on blogspot and it seems no better than back in 2002...

Happy 4th Blogday darlin'
Christian xx

Congrats on 4 years and for keeping us smiling.
erm about the whereabouts of the sites of 'being expelled by a shoal of sex-obsessed blogs'... not that I wish to look at you understand.

I am humbly honoured and indebted for being added to your bookmarks. What a supurb blog you run here. It has reinstated my faith and encouraged me that there are bloggers out there that don't just tell us what tree their dog was up last weekend or (often more tragically) what their sex life is up to.

I will return the favour (from my small and humble position) by adding your blog to my Links this weekend.

Thanks again. Four years is nothing. Like a diamond, a good blog is this girl's best friend.

Happy Birthday!

Wish I'd been reading from the beginning - very well done.

I *have* been reading from the beginning, and I've thoroughly enjoyed the ride. Happy blogday etc. Interested to see that 4 of your 10 most recent bookmarks have also crossed my path for the first time in the last couple of weeks.

I do miss the "old school" paradigm whereby everyone linked to each other's posts all the time. It was sorta community-building... and it's also how I found most of my early favourites.

Happy blogday (and thanks for the link).

I have been reading this blog from the end (about 8:53 this evening in fact), and am contentedly continuing to do so.

Happy birthday DG. Funnily enough I like is also 4 this month. I've got a half-written post similar to yours, but you've put it much better. Here's to another 4.

Yay! happy blogday! (Now *what* is it exactly that the gnome is carrying? Repeatedly? Is he just showing off??!)

Not quite here from the beginning (bookmarked in December '03)...

One mark of a great writer is the ability to make the uninteresting interesting.

I never knew there were so many interesting things out there.

Thank you, and congratulations.

Belated Blogday greetings young Blog.


Gert... sex blog???!

Yes, should have added my congrats yesterday, too. I remember when blogging started to be used as a term and I thought to myself, why? I still do

It must have been easier to get noticed at the start, but I think it probably still holds true that you will achieve the success that you merit. Worrying, that.

I also remember when I could write a coherent sentence. Ah well.

Happy birthday DG. Just because there are 54 million blogs, how many of those are actually being updated? Does technorati keep track of the number of dying blogs?

Happy Bloggyday DG!*

*although a tad belated.

Many congrats DG.

You got me going two and a half years ago and you still keep me going.

Help!! Let me off ~ but please keep going yourself.

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