please empty your brain below

One thing I can't understand is that buses, trains and trams have a legal obligation to put station/stop names in mixed case to aid the partially sighted but there seems to be no such requirement for road name signs.

Maybe there is and they will all be removed one day soon and replaced with a DDA complaint version !

The new one seems to have inherited features from both parents - truly a sign of their lurve.

Go on - request the relevent documents from the council under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act - should be good for a laugh.

See page 26 here:

Thanks jeremy - it seems there is some logic to the planning of these things, but not to the execution.

Street name plates should be consistent throughout the Borough.
• The post code should be red in colour, with the lettering to be of similar font and proportions
• Avoid over use of street plates to reduce street clutter
• Affix name plates to walls where they are more visually accessible
• Historic name plates to be refurbished and reproduced to avoid use of several nameplate styles

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