please empty your brain below

love the blog man, but what's all this BB crap ? it's your life, and if you want to watch it, fine, but don't squander your talent or waste our time writing about it. tabloids are full of this garbage, it's not real and it's not interesting.

Well that's told me, hasn't it?

Sorry daisy, I apologise for wasting your life.

Can I also advise you not to trawl back through my archives and read the 42 previous posts I've written on this tawdry subject, because they were all crap too.

Very succinctly put dg - both on this blog post and your comment above.

Nice use of capitals too.

Think that's why I didn't watch this series, there WERE too many people in it. Series 1 it felt a bit special going into the house, but 7 it's like every tom, dick and harry has been in who want to.

Haha, just read some (okay one) of the comments. Looks like you'll be next dg to be "outed". :P

Just see it in the Daily Mail - "Top London Blogger Squanders Talent on Commenting on No Talent Reality Garbage - House Prices Plummett"

I can't stand all these people who think they're too clever or far too superior for big still is a fascinating insight into human physcology......

Oh..DG.......Dawn was htrown out for breaking the didn't walk...........

Glyn to win....

Good post, shame about the final sentence of the summary! Cos its like SOOO gonna be Ashleen!

But it was better this season than last, right? This was only my 2nd UK BB and I had a blast with it this year.

Nikki needs shock therapy ... that would be excellent telly.

Bring back the chickens.

Very nicely summed up. Sadly, we have to add, 'In final week, Pete reveals he is desperate to win. Puts people off. Votes transferred to Glyn and Aisleyne.'

Objectively speaking, this has been the least interesting series of BB so far, I think. I've ranted about it on World Of Chig earlier today...

BB4 was the worst. This has gone on too long and has too many people in it. I hope to get my life back after tonight.

Aisleyne to win! A vote for Aisleyne is a vote for decency! etc. has it all.

(I'm not a troll, I promise. I'm a new, yet avid reader of dg. And I think you should cover BB as it's a very London event happening today. And I'm sure we'll see the 20-odd housemates all over town for the next month or so.)

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