please empty your brain below

Can we move anti bullying week to Priti this year? It will give it more kudos
I hope that the relaxation of restrictions during Gove will permit the hasty convention of an Anti-expert Expo.
Who wouldn't want to queue (without distancing, obviously) to hear a Laurence Fox lecture on public health policy?
Regarding 21st March BST starts, as the EU has voted to allow member states to choose whether to stay on DST or UTC from 2021 we could do this without BREXIT
Quite. Every freedom which the regime is crediting to Brexit was available anyway. But sovvrinty, innit?
Don't give em ideas, Pike
Ye gods and little fishes - the thought of a never-ending Boris! *shudders*
How much are we charging the EU to use 'our' meridian? Time is money, as my old boss used to say!
Vive la revolution !
Well, I think this is brilliant.

DG: Please send it to No. 10.
Although, as @R2 above, that could backfire!
Very good indeed. I like it as everyday seems to be the same at the moment and certainly the steps seem to be the key dates rather than anything else.
When we get fed up with the endless Boris month we will at least get an opportunity to change it to Keir.
I want this to work out... but is it a case of over promise and under deliver.... car crash?
Truly brilliant.......and frightening at the same time!
Did anyone else have a minor panic and think that they had missed Mothering Sunday?
You could have pancakes every Gove Tuesday. That would be nice.
Behold: The Sunlit Uplands! be followed by BJ declaring himself hereditary Emperor, thus starting a Johnson dynasty.

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