please empty your brain below

fantastic stuff. i'm really enjoying it (as usual!)

I only discovered Leadenhall Market by accident (walking route to Fenchurch Street on mymobile, don't ask...) a few weeks ago. On a Saturday morning, there was only me, my partner and one bloke taking photos. That wasn't you, was it? I don't know why I didn't take photos, except that my camera batteries were playing silly buggers that day.

My first ever job (early seventies) was working for a firm just in front of the Guildhall; I was interviewed by a Mr Wally Tickler AND he ran off with his secretary.

It seems that the City of London has its own unique police force as well. Seperate to the Met. How so?

It's an historical anomaly caused by the Corporation of London's Court of Common Council, which acts as the Police Authority, these politicians and the Home Office maintain the "separateness" of the force from the Met Police force, which has it's own elected Police Authority.


City is the smallest force (880 officers) the Met is (currently) the largest with more than 31,000 officers.

But City won't be joining the Met in the Police Service restructuring (43 forces down to 17), as it has a specialist role in financial fraud prevention within the City of London.

More amazing blogging!

No matter how dissappointing everything else in my day might be... it's great to drop by and tour the DG online museum of History and Culture.

Youth is wasted on the young... History is wasted on those without the imagination to appreciate it.

Many thanks Verity : )

I stumbled on the Roman Amphitheatre during my recent visit to London, and felt like I had unlocked a lost treasure. My host for the day (who works in an office building across the street) was unaware of its existence despite passing it nearly everyday.Very cool.

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