please empty your brain below

How-ever did previous generations survive without street theatre??!! Somehow they scraped by without....

That Amy Lane is one Hunk of work!!!

BTW... Americans are by far fatter than the residents of the UK. Fully 1/3 of the population here is officially obese. A ticking timebomb for the non existant health system.

Why so many fatties? TV most likely... and there are No sidewalks anymore... nobody walks anywhere anymore. In most communities there isn't anywhere to walk anyhow.

Bugger. I forgot it was the Bow Arts open weekend this weekend. I went along last year. It was pretty interesting.

dg writes: it's still open this afternoon, 1-5pm

'Art' in Roman Road. I couldn't think of a location where the chavscum locals would appreciate it less. Seems more like a Shoreditch kind of thing.

I really did have my doubts at the beginning whether Roman Road's fried-chicken-munching clientele would be at all impressed
"ere Pete, it's blokes wiv nuffink much on innit?"
but once the music kicked off they were all joining in.

I read the Sheep Drive link a bit quick and saw they would "roasted in a pan". It turns out they were "rested in a pen".

I was in Canary Wharf on Sat for the Dancing City stuff - watching people use the East Wintergarden as a space to fly through, and brightly-costumed Australians on five-metre high bendy poles outside, was a pretty cool experience!

Thanks for the street theatre news. We need it today, now that scops and alewives, fishwives and organ grinders with monkeys on their shoulders have long gone. Only exception: pickpockets and beggars have survived for millenia. Once witnessed a humble version in a small Cornwall market town: annual parade in which locals (hours on costume-making) parodied regional legends, or the classics, or simply behaved like 'fools'. It was brilliant. We need more street theatre in our urban lives.

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