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".... curvaceous silhouette is said to resemble a sleeping woman - what do you think?" I think the sheep must have learned to move pretty fast up there.

Sleeping woman? I suppose so... but it's open to intpretation.

Amazing stuff! I find it fascinating that the celtic peoples seemed to be the only ones who built these gigantic stone circle structures. I haven't heard about them anywhere else in europe.

I know some ancient american indian sites exist... but those are all just made of ordinary sized rocks.

Those ancient celts were good at moving BIG rocks!

There are some in Brittany too. None of them were built by Celts though.

My only visit to Calanais was in heavy rain. I doubt I'm alone in that!

And, er, I thought the Breton alignments were indeed Celtic? The Carnac ones are long rows rather than fancy rings, but AFAIK equally Celtic.

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