please empty your brain below

The next station down the line is Canada Water, no? If its Rotherhithe, that really would be a very short walk!

dg writes: Oops, well spotted.
Consider it changed.

I think I will give The Mayflower a crack next time I am down that way (twas there today, but it was a bit early for beer). Quite enjoying this series of blogs, opening my eyes to what I previously saw as a pretty dull area, with the only interesting pockets waiting to crack under the developers iron fist. Cheers.

I did hear a while back that there was a proposal to construct a new museum inside one of the Brunel shafts - any news on this?

dg writes: Nothing I can find, drD

No offense to the Mayflower company, but 'America's destiny' (British-version) actually began 13 years earlier in Jamestown, Virginia, soon to celebrate its 400th anniversary...

dg writes: yep, expect a local update in December

Fascinating stuff!

It's interesting that crossing over and under rivers seemed to be the motivation for history's first epic engineering feats.

It must have been a truly amazing vision for those engineers to think up the daring methods they used. Even the process of sinking the digging shaft into the ground still seems revolutionary.

Thanks for the historical tours...

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