please empty your brain below

All I can say is, you deserve some kind of award for having the patience and attention to detail that this link-list you have posted entails. To say I am impressed is an understatement.

And ta for the link too

Yes but now WE'VE all got to click through them all and at least read a little bit from each one!

That's two hours of my day gone alrady. Dammit.

Thanks for keeping us all informed and amused every day.

Ta very much for the link.

Cheers for the link.
Another fun thing is to find out which blogs your visitors come from.

Thanks DG for the mention. Thanks too for narrowing down the amount of toot out there to people like-minded enough, despite their own personal writings, to want to visit your site every day.

You didn't get all of them!

I'd double the length of the main page if I included my blogroll in the side bar!

You've been on my blogroll for ages!

Hello Mr Geezer,

Mine is definitely a "this is what I read" list.

And I'm afraid you're on my blogroll too - and have been for some time - but you missed me from your list.

Presumably tools like Blogrolling don't get searched very easily.

Mine seems to have gone down the plug hole (link below). Perhaps because I don't subscribe to things like Technorati and host it all myself. My roll is a "blogs I read" list, a very odd bunch when I come to look at it, I must add a few newer ones to it; newer to me that is.

Another thought:

Did you ever go through your record collection and trying to link every one to the rest via guest artists, session musicians, producers, songwriters, or even if pushed, engineers and photographers. No, well perhaps it was just my sad moment.

Well, I wonder if you can link all the blogs of the world together via their blogrolls? There will always be some, like mine, that no one links to (or reads it seems) but everyone links out somewhere, if only in the hope that they will return the compliment.

I suppose that there may be some islands which only link to each other - we can always spoil it for them by linking in and creating a bridge.

Ta for the plug. I feel a bit guilty in view of the above people who got missed, though, since I only added a link to this blog a few days ago.

I love Rick's idea.

Thanks for the link - I'm new to the blogging thing so it's nice when people swing by me and take a look, but I take the view that if I like a blog, I link to it. If it's reciprocated, I consider it a bonus!

CB x

DG, you are most welcome for the link from my blog; you deserve many more. Thankyou for reciprocating.

DG many thanks for the link... My list is a very much a list of blogs that I read everyday, some of which are friends from when I started blogging back in the day of "Bastard Mark World"...

Thanks once again

That's what I get for taking a sabbatical from posting for a while.

My list is also just a list of what I like to check up on. It's more for me than it is for anyone else.

Without wishing to blow sunshine up his bum, DG is most definitely "The Hardest Working Man In The Business". Look at the effort that has gone into the last few posts. How does he find the time to do any work?!

I have to confess you (nor anyone else) was on my blog roll. I've rectified that now and you are certainly there.

(And I do pop by most days too...)

Thanks for the link

I enjoy your blog a lot - I moved to Scotland from London last year but like to keep up with "local" news here. Hopefully nobody in the office heard me chuntering away "was it *really* 1994 when the 36B last ran?" Wouldn't want them thinking I'm sad or anything.

Another one down the plughole, here


I've kept my blogroll manageable by having it cycle randomly, showing only 15 at a time (although I know there are few dead blogs in the list that I've not yet pruned).

On the plus side, every now and then Technorati decides I'm a "new link" for blogs. The drawback is that Technorati clearly believes I'm no longer linking to you.

Hmm. There's got to be a way around this.

*puts thinking hat on*

Well, really!


hoping not to depress you: you are an institution, if such a thing can exist in blogland. love ya.

Thank you sir. It's quite an honor for a blog with as much nonsense on it as mine to be mentioned on yours.

That's some dedication to browse though let alone read something on all those blogs, well done.

I must confess to just clicking a few links at random in that list to get a taste if not the full meal.

Cheers for the link. Now I need to dust off some of the posts sitting in the pending pile and get them on the site.

Well you've included me (thank you), but you missed

Thanks for the link DG, and love the blog

Ha - guess I'm in the "blogroll overload" category... Cheers for popping by.

You missed me too :-(


I should be between foolfillment and funjunkie! Which must be the punchline for a joke I can't remember.

Oh yay I'm there now! Thank you ...

I would've tidied the place up if I'd known you were coming... thanks!

Cheers DG.

You helped get me going and you continue to keep me at it. For which I thank you ~ even if my readers don't.

Another one you've missed out.

You missed me out too!

Missed me too!

I'm one of the hidden list folk. I find my top list which has update notifcations serves me quite well for where stuff is really changing and the TT, WW type lists are included as reciprocity for the other participants in such schemes. Hence my hideable/ customisable clickies.

Best and still enjoying your stuff, whether by proper browsing or via NetNewsWire.


Posting is intermittent so doesn't always show up well on technorati.

I have an enormous list but only of blogs that I have actually found interesting. When a blog stops publishing content for a long period of time or loses my interest in some way, it leaves the list.

AAARRRRGGGHH!! I don't believe it!
You read my blog and I was so unprepared (ie I haven't posted much lately) and I feel guilty now for not reading yours for ages.
Thanks for the link anyway, I'm currently awaiting my readership to double (to four people).

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