please empty your brain below

Gutted for you. Would of loved to see an english team bar chelsea take over the mantle.

I would have watched it, but instead I went to a filming of QI (unforgivably, I'd forgotten about the match, but couldn't get out of the trip because it had been arranged to suit me). Which meant the rather bizarre circumstance of being given score updates by the ever-lovely Stephen Fry - not something I would have thought would happen outside the Sandman's domain...

*stifled laugher*

sorry, spurs fan that i am, i'm allowed to laugh.

he he heh heh heeeh ...

oh, that feels good.

... only a game

Ah! Never mind...

*another Spurs fan attempting to be sympathetic with stupid big grin on face*

Ah, the Spurts with the Squirts. It's been a long time since your last Glory, Glory Night, hasn't it?

Nice of UEFA, however, to appoint a Sunday parks ref for last night's game, wan't it?

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