please empty your brain below

damn, think i missed that. i had a bad fever instead, to compensate.

No, don't worry, it's tomorrow...

I knew, and had set a reminder in my Outlook calendar, which I sync with my mobile, which I keep on and next to me (in flight mode, i.e. off the network) when I sleep because it's my alarm clock as well.

The reminder was set 24 hours before the event. It went off last night at 01h 02m 03s AM - Dr B. was not amused.

Of course, later in the year we get 6/6/6. Probably best not even get out of bed that day.

The people behind the remake of the Omen will be hoping we do get out of bed on 6/6/6, because that's when they're releasing it. See what they did there?

I remember the good old day(s) 12:34 05/06/78.

dg writes: Ah I remember that well too. I was in a metalwork lesson at school at the time, trying very hard to avoid doing any work.

Talking of films (see above), surely there's a new Star Wars film due out tomorrow? Episode 4? Again.

They've missed a trick there...

It's NOW!

I had forgotten about 06/06/06. It's my 25th wedding anniversary, so I suppose 'her indoors' will be kicking me out of bed at precisely 06.06 am to make a cup of tea. Happy days!!

Of course, Buddhists, Jews, Moslems and others are in completely different years; it's all totally arbitrary.

I was at work and missed it from being far too busy.

of course the whole 01:02:03 04/05/06 thing is weakened by the annoying use of US date formats in the HaloScan Comments box...

Anyway, I celebrated the event by kissing my girlfriend. Got to be a good omen somehow, hasn't it?

Thanks DG, nice edit.

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