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Long time reader, first time poster - as they say...

The classical music trick was tried (is still being tried?) at Brixton station as a means of moving people through the station more quickly. I'm not a regular user so I don't know how well it's worked, but it's certainly rather pleasant.

Vauxhall too. It's part of a pilot scheme, apparently. It's vaguely pleasant in a tinkly sort of way until you start to feel cross at being so easily manipulated. I think it's supposed to keep the over-thirties quiescent and drive the under twenties out altogether. Those in their twenties can't hear it because of their iPods

Must be all those fine folk on their way to the Thames Magistrates that they want to keep going through.

They've had classical music in Edgware Bus Station since at least the start of 2003. It's quite surreal being there with it empty at 5:30am listening to Brahms and watching the gent passed out on the floor by Stand C, while the first rays of the morning creep through the glass. Surreal, but all rather nice.

Your mission: find out what was wrong with the old
ew white flooring.

I really love the way the new black stuff is held down by what looks a lot like gaffer tape.

I am also amused by the way the classical music is played at times like 7.40 am, when I imagine any undesirable elements are safely in bed.

If the new poorly-stuck-down black stuff is safer than the white surface underneath, the white surface underneath must have been bloody dangerous.

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