please empty your brain below

heaven knows what the time difference is where you are but apologies if my phone call yesterday woked you up.

dg writes: don't worry it was just after breakfast

Lovely pictures, I'm getting very jealous.

Great pictures. I am beginning to think you can make anything look good.

I tried to walk across Golden Gate Park a couple of years back, but got as far as the Japanese Tea Garden place, and realised if I was going to walk back aswell it was going to take me all day. So I remain a man who has never seen a bison. A hippy offered me some LSD though, so it wasn't a total loss.

=I= like your holiday snaps, anyway. FYI, it appears that Lombard Street is not the crookedest, but this one, instead.

That sports arena is the new Kezar stadium. The old Kezar was a 59,000 seat stadium and was home to the San Francisco 49ers for 25 years (1946 - 1971). It was damaged in the big earthquake of 1989, and torn down soon after. They then built a 10,000 seat stadium for local high schools to use.

The 1989 earthquake, BTW, occured at 5:04 pm on October 17. It happened just before the third game of the World Series between the bay areas two baseball teams (SF Giants and the Oakland Athletics).

I was somewhat disappointed by GG park. Not quite what I expected - too many roads in it; especially when I got trapped by a busy dual carriageway somewhere in the middle... Never did make it to the Bison...

Great photos - see you made it to the Legion of Honour as well. I walked there from the Exploratorium past the GG Bridge - fantastic.

Is The Thinker a replica or a second version of the original in the Musee Rodin in Paris?

I've taken your absence as an opportunity to get a new kitten and post pics

'The Thinker' in SF is one of 25 worldwide castings of an enlarged version of the original. Apparently.

Ah - I had no idea there were others.

New series opportunity... or co-operative blogging venture... visit and photograph each of them.

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