please empty your brain below

How many of us are doing exactly the same right now?!

'I've not been one for hanging around in bed once I've woken up, because there never seemed to be much of interest to do whilst lying there'

Wish I could say the same *cough*

I must confess, since I went wireless just before Christmas, I haven't really tried the internet surfing from bed option either. I did a couple of times, but couldn't the best, er, position *cough* Maybe I'm too old for that. Wireless from the sofa in my living-room, however, I love, and I'm looking forward to trying from my balcony once it warms up ... oh, it's great to catch up wiv all da cool kids.

It was an absolute revelation for me when I got my laptop going wireless last week.

Cup of tea, lying in bed, chatting to mates online. What a way to spend a Saturday morning, eh?

Getting it to talk to my other computer, however, was another matter. That proved trickier than I thought.

The best way to use a laptop in bed is to use a second monitor positioned at a suitable position half way down the bed, and an extra keyboard and an optical mouse on long leads (or plugged into a USB hub on a long lead).

The laptop itself then sits safely out of trouble on a solid surface, and you are working more easily with a full sized keyboard and ordinary mouse, both more resistant than a laptop to accidentally being rolled on/sat on etc. The screen life of the laptop is extended as you can switch the screen off.

If you have the laptop in bed, you also need to think about cooling issues -- probably it's best to put it on a laptray.

It isn't cheap to sprawl in a Starbucks with wifi. Better to potter off to Islington:

I am! It's great!!

I don't use my laptop anywhere else! My favourite position (??) is on my front with a couple of pillows propping my chest up. My osteopathic friend tells me this is a good stretch for the spine provided I stretch it in the other direction also.

What E said...

He's right. If you use a laptop on a duvet, you'll block the vents and it'll overheat. This will be bad for it.

Horizontal blogging? Is that what they call it these days??

I use a power book which thoughtfully has the air vents to the side so no overheating worries.

I've used wireless for several years (separate adapter cards in the olden days). Now its an automatic response to assume everywhere is wired.

At an extreme level, I was copying some files to another laptop in a carry bag the other day and didn't even get it out when I realised it was still running.

Not so much bedblogging though(!)


Ooohhhh DG, would love photo of you in bed (with laptop of course).

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