please empty your brain below

I would vote for the Catseye. So simple and practical, and such a huge impact on road safety make it hard to beat. Also I love cats!

I think DG would go for the K2 Phone Kiosk.

Concorde. It inspired dreams, while phone kiosks smell of wee.

id have to go with mr. good old world wide web.

I would vote for the Tube map.
(If I could work out how to)
Although it might be deemed a London icon, the design is wonderful.

Concord wasn't just an English project.
Grand Theft Auto isn't called an English name - and I'll bet you need to be of a certain age to even know what that is.
Tim Berners-Lee may be English, but 'England' isn't what springs to mind when one thinks WWW.
Mini is now owned by a German company.
Spitfire hardly evokes the best memories of Englishness.

Oh dear, dear, dearie me.

Spitfire.... and I'd chosen that before I read Witchy's comment... 'onest guv.

What happened to Stonehenge?

As a non-driver (IIRC) DG would go for the phone kiosk, but I'd plump for the cat's eye. And I wish they were more widely used here in Germany.

I'd originally for the Doc Marten when the poll was a bit wider in scope. Out of what's left, I'd have to go for the Mini or the Spitfire - not sure which.

and re the BBC2 homepage: looks fine to me, and the listings are only a click away (tho I try not to look at them cos I'll just get homesick...).

However I love the BBC Radio website cos I can listen all day to any programme broadcast in the last 7 days on any channel. Right now I'm delighting my colleagues with Mike Harding's folk show from Wednesday evening....

While it was an Anglo-French project, I think the design of Concorde was done by the british side, and as such it'd get my vote...

Although possibly (if I'm wrong) I'd got for the phone kiosk instead.

And I'm amazed that the pillar-box didn't make it in.

How can the world wide web be a design icon?

Yep, Concorde. lets face it the french wouldn't have done it without our lead. And whatever anyone else thinks most people wround the world saw Concorde as British not French. GJ

Learn about Vegans in the Bible.

Concorde? Really? a vastly expensive white elephant that sold a grand total of ZERO planes.

That's the best of British design?

Are you sure Grand Theft Auto shouldn't be listed? It has taken up much more of my life than the Spitfire. Am I a minority? I have never been one before.

You blog is mentioned in mine!

Mankydown - The king of the Blog
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So DG, which one did you vote for??

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