please empty your brain below

My PIN makes a particular shape on the keypad. And not an obvious one.

it's only four numbers. If I can remember my own phone number, I SHOULD be able to remember my pin.

Again, shape on the keypad. I couldn't tell you what the actual numbers are even if you tortured me.

My pin was issued by the bank, and I was having trouble remembering it so I tried making a word from the corresponding letters on the key pad. The only two words I could make were 'kiss' and 'lips'.

I have had the same pin number since 1986 (I'm sooo old!) so I have just about remembered it now.

Mine's 6 numbers! I wrote it on my palm when I first got it then every day I forgot it I wrote it again. Now I just remember what the numbers look like on my palm rather than what they are-if that makes any sense?

Um. The same one I've had for 23 years now.

I *really* ought to change it.

I remember the numbers, but it also spells out a word on the keypad which means a lot to me, and sod all to anyone else.

Oh, and all my major PINs are different, but all make up words that I can easily remember.

And no, they're not swear-words, although that's not a bad idea either. The concept of typing out "cunt" to authorise a transaction is actually quite appealing...

I tend to keep the numbers given by the bank, and find a mnemonic. Sometimes they make a shape, sometimes (OK, once) it's the 2-digit year I lost my virginity, followed by the current year (naturally it's not current any more, but by the change of year, it was ingrained...).

For cards I don't use very often, I write (v small) a grid of 16 numbers on a bit of paper which I stick to the back of my card. Only I know which 4 of those numbers go together to form my PIN.

Would you believe I can just remember them? I've got four pins across different cards and online accounts and don't have trouble remembering any of them. Then again, I can still recall my ex-girlfriend's home phone number (it's almost ten years since I last phoned here there) and the years in which the various cats that have owned my parents were born or died.

I haven't the slightest clue how I do it.

Like Dave I just remember them. I don't think about how, I just do.

Yep, add another one to the list of memory

Memory for me too. When my first card was issued back in 1981 you didn't get a chance to change the number so you had to learn it. Although I really think I ought to change the rather easy one which is still default on the new credit card...

Being Australian, I have been using PIN for years. My little trick to remember the myriad of number is to be a multi-celled organism with a slightly higher capacity brain than a goldfish.

The Aspergers also helps....

Write it on my hand with my finger, visualise the number there, number remembered.

Fuck it. my PIN /is/ the word 'cunt'. time to change it then.

I stick with the PINs assigned by the bank in the first place*, just remember them because they're numbers and I'm like that.

*Except for a cheeky "1233" that seemed a little too regular, so I had it changed to a new "random" number. Yes i know the first one was random too.

My first pin was "9924" - I made a mnemomic out of it, using the 9th, 2nd and 4th letters of the alphabet : ie GGBD - "G****** G****** Buggers Dogs" was how i remembered it, since you asked. I'm sure he doesn't. (It wasn't your MP either, but I suppose it could be now)

Use the first pin issued to me in the 70's, but my memory is dreadful so every subsequent number is changed to that (including my phone). Even have to write new pins down to take to cash machine to change to my original 'random number'.

I store them in my mobile phone, cunningly integrated within phone numbers for people who do not really exist.

I'm that loaded i get someother fucker to do my banking!

Carolyn - might you now have to change your PIN? :p

> 'I store them in my mobile phone,
> cunningly integrated within phone
> numbers for people who do not really
> exist.'

Ditto here - although I have never had to look them up, as I seem to easily remember the movement of my finger on the keypad (not a particular shape, and it helps me with phone numbers too),

How do I remember my PINs? By using my brain, funnily enough.

Honestly, what's all the fuss about?

excellent examples of neuro linguistic programming everybody.

dg you have a vast selection of VISUALisers (seeing the number written on the palm of your hand); PHYSICAL references (typing a "shape" on the key pad) and LINGUISTS using words, letters or other words to represent the letters in your readership!

Fascinating reading!

where are our jetpacks?

we should have them by now even instead of flying cars. this means that there should also be a different sytem for pins. Retina scans and the like.

I'm one of those fools who changes all cards to the same PIN. (3 personal credit cards, 1 debit card, 1 corporate credit card - am I really supposed to remember 6 different numbers and call them to mind at will - who am I , Derren Brown?)
This PIN was issued by my bank about 15 years ago, so I had to learn it. 9 years ago it became a significant number, (or rather two significant numbers and I'll never have to write it down, spoky, eh?
So unless some evil b*****d tortures me to find out that one number , then tries it on every other card in my wallet, I reckon I'm reasonably secure.

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