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Oooh, thanks for reminding me, I'm going to wear my brown shirt to work today :D

I blame the Chancellor..... it's clearly a side effect of his publicity machine.

You're so fashion-conscious DG.

And teenage boys seem to be back to wearing pink, something I had not seen much since the 80s (big fake diamond pink earrings are a must have I hear to "be a gangsta").

Least you got to wear brown in the 70's. My dad preferred to buy me clothes in HIS favourite colours.I used to feel like a real twat in tan and beige.
All I can say is thank god for school uniforms!! Otherwise I would have got beaten up on a daily basis.

Actually, I bought my partner a lime green & tangerine striped shirt for his birthday last year. He sometimes teams it up with a dark brown sports jacket.

And the new Doctor Who wears brown as well.

Unforunately, I had to buy some clothes yesterday. Browsing through the shops' smart-clothed sections, you could not buy a johnny-cash coloured shuit for love nor money, as a chocolate factory had somewhat exploded over the nice black suits and turned them into "chocolate" or "mocha" or "hazelnut latte" coloured browns. Either that or dark blue.

Also worryingly, the Men's section of a particular clothes shop featured a bright purple t-shirt, next to a lime green t-shirt, next to an orange t-shirt. Eye pain ensued.

I'm glad about all this brown: it matches my hair perfectly and makes for easy colour co-ordination when dressing.

*feels smug*

I'm colour-blind around browns, so I've probably been wearing it without noticing...

I've been wearing brown since the early nineties - probably in a Jarvis Cocker inspired, but ultimately unsuccessful - "I wanna look different and arty" way. Still it's the colour that suits my complexion best, and still around a thrid of my clothes are brown! I remember when suddenly cords came back in fashion and all of a sudden they were easy to buy.

By the way, I was born in 1977, so this probably makes a difference. Similarly to your aversion to brown, I only just managed to bring myself to follow the fashionistas with a parka - and dunlop green flash still make me think of playground bullying...

This difference this time round is it isn't on nylon.

I bought some brown trousers just last week - something deep down inside me suddenly told me that i had to get some. Yes, it's just a fashion thing that comes and goes.

Hmmm I put a nice brown top over a lovely tangerine t-shirt this morning, feeling quite proud of myself.

Now I feel dirty. Thanks DG.

I love the new names for brown - It's no longer enough to call the shade light brown, dark brown and beige. Oh no, now it has to be associated with food eg. mocha, caramel, chocolate, toffee, au lait etc.


can't wear it at all. Still far to traumatically scared from having to wear it as a school uniform with a lovely yellow shirt. Think the nuns might also have had something to do with it as well..

I know I am not the only one who feels like it.

couldn't agree more Rachel. I had to wear a nasty salmony-brown skirt with a cream shirt and red jumper for school. Will never be seen dead in brown again.

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