please empty your brain below

that's the best write-up of the bloggies yet - this post alone deserves an award.

Absolutely... nicely handled dg


Great satire. (Is it satire? To some it might not seem to be, no matter how unsubtly conveyed) Whatever - that was great!

I think you could have squeezed some adverts onto the page between the logos...

*starts campaign for removal of said logos, given that the announcement date is still 6 weeks off*

Absolutely hilarious.

And I agree with Blue Witch - I think you still could have squeezed a few more adverts onto the page...


Is it a sign that something is well enough known to be able to apply satire and parody to the idea?

(what a terribly constructed sentence that was, apologies, pre-caffeine).

I'm disappointed at the lack of rotating, flashing adverts.

Help! I'm on the floor and I can't get up!

And of course, I would never pimp myself like this.


Yeah, come on DG - where are the animated GIFs and the embedded midi files!!!111oneoneeleventyone!!111

I don't think there are quite enough logos or 'Bloggies 2006:Britblog finalist'labels. This could cause some confusion as to what you have been nominated for here.

That's exactly how I felt about being nominated too.

You've been nominated for what? please make yourself clearer DG.

The kitten market is saturated. More squirrels though please.

Not enough squids...

What's a blog?


You classy bastard.

Very clever.

LOL!!!! I wil vote4U DG, i reely like the cool sidebar havU though about a chatbox?????? i hav a blog 2 visit me&leave a coment!!!!! GOOD LUCK UDESERVE IT!!!!!!

but the voting has we can't vote for you to win the thingy whatsit even though we want to...but we do want you to win whatever it is/was.

Arrrgah!!! Take them down!

My eyes!

hilarious!! you even renamed your blog to bloggie geezer... ahhh ... best joke ever xDD

good luck..


I am in awe. Really.

I'm already regretting the fact that I went nearly 12 hours without reading this post.

Utterly, utterly fantastic.

Okay I admit it, I did vote for you, albeit because I was told to and although I am American; I don't live in nor can I even spell Wyoming and I have, in fact, read your blog before and Eats, Shoots and Leaves is exactly the kind of thing you might love (imagine a woman who obsesses, ah I mean is meticulous, about the comma the way you are about the Tube, and who certainly would never approve of my use of said punctuation and apparent disregard for the period - period.

*congratulates self on another succesful spell*

[see above]

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