please empty your brain below

How did you work out the very last point? (Probability of the 13th being a Friday higher than any other day)

I was about to ask exactly the same question!

This is very scary!

(There was a lot of maths involved).

The Friday probability thing is a well known effect of the Gregorian Calendar.

How come orbits around the sun aren't exactly spherical (or am I not looking at that asteroid and earth diagram correctly)?

The first Friday 13th film was actually pretty good.

I've just got to work and realised I need to immediately head home to pick up a bunch of stuff I've forgotten. Can I chalk that down to bad luck, or will my stupidity have to bear the brunt again?

"How did you work out the very last point?"
I'm guessing DG did it by, er, reading the website to which he has linked(!)

At this point Chig was considering also pointing out that an 'orbit' is likely to be 'circular' (or 'elliptical'), rather than 'spherical', but he won't.

See, I told you (almost) nobody clicked on my links

(I believe that ) Some people believe that Friday 13 is lucky, on the basis that Friday is unlucky, and 13 is unlucky, and two wrongs make a right.

I don't *think* I've made this up.

Re: last point. I think if the link was on 'more likely' then I would have been more likely to click it.

Harriet, I doubt there's any such thing as a perfectly spherical orbit anywhere in the cosmos. All orbits have perturbations and wobbles caused by the gravitational influence of other bodies. Our solar system planets have elliptical orbits (some more so than others).

Oh OK. Well I often read your home page on a PDA from the bus or the train - so I tend to pick the links that I click very judiciously and sparingly as some pages just take ages to display when mobile. A bit like Ian's point; if the 14.34\\% had been clickable I might have clicked it expecting an explanation. Now that I am at my PC, I can. Thank you!

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