please empty your brain below

i love that you picked hackney, actually. before my stint in e3 i lived in e5. good ol' clapton pond. sometimes i want to go back and see it all again. sometimes i think it's better left to my memories...

i got the banksy book for christmas so it was great to see that shot of the 'real thing'.

Some parts of Hackney are even nicer than Stratford.

Now I know where Turner Prize winners get their inspiration.

Ah - but did you wander as far as far as Stoke Newington? The pram-alley, organic-booming chi-chi corner of Hackney - or 'Akna', as it of course is properly pronounced by long-term residents and trustafarians alike...

Er, yes anna. Thanks for the quote...

Hey dg. being retentive here but isn't
a page on the council's (zero out of ten) official website?

If I could have found that fine page via the front website menu (and not just via Google) I might have awarded the council at least one mark.


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