please empty your brain below

Ah- but will you promise to drop red elastic bands all down my path?

Persoanlly I wouldn't miss the elastic bands but I suppose it's all about choice

Could you add Tube strikes to the small print too?

What is it with London postmen and discarded red plastic bands? They're all over my front step too!

I moonlighted as a scab postman for one day when the Post Office was on strike - and I wasn't a bad little postman either; tramped all over town delivering things to people. Didn't pinch anything either, or jump up and down on any of the envelopes like they normally do.

I can confirm that the red bands are dropped at The Coven too, so it's not just London postmen.

It's a worldwide phenomenon. They're beige ones here.


Having found your blog, I am just going to have to nick some of your info for mine. I have linked to you, though. Does that help? I could offer to subcontract from dgmail, doing a second collection and delivery with the rider that it will have to fit into my cycle pannier, and with the opportunity to extend the delivery route to South Bank.

Some mighty fine photos there, Ham.

I checked today - the RRP of a creme egg this year is 39p.

A first class stamp is currently 30p (or 29p if you have a franking machine). I doubt that anything that would cost more than that to post would fit in your letter box.

And how can your potential customers get to your letter box through that new locked door (is it still in existence btw?), and the security front door?

No, it's a logistic non-starter isn't it? And it's Not Value

Buy Creme Eggs in 6-packs or 12-packs (rather than singly) and my price remains highly competitive.

And my letterbox remains fully accessible from the street for anybody posting stuff - it's only us residents who have to (sometimes) unlock the new door to collect our mail.

£1.99 for 6 RRP. Why aren't stamps cheaper in books? And as for the other bit - hmmm, brainstorm I reckon!

What's your customer base currently?

Don't carp. With dgmail, your cherished items can be personally and lovingly crushed, defaced or lost. You cannot get that level of service with your common or garden Royal Mail.

Ham - knowing DG as I do, I can *guarantee* that each and every item would be delivered in at least as pristine a condition as when it was entrusted to him, on time, and as addressed.

Hmmm, it's a thought, but it'll never catch on.

the above URL takes you to a "problems" form. its quick and easy to fill out - just give them the names of the streets and tell them to stop dropping those elastics there...or anywhere else for that matter! Just think of the poor little kitten/puppy with soulful eyes who mistook the elastic for a worm and is now slowly choking to death on it. send an email today and save a cuty little kitten tomorrow. Meow!

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