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You've divided blogs in two groups: single topic blogs and personal blogs.
I don't think your blog is personal, it's more like 5-6 single topic blogs (without everyday posts) written by the same author.

If a schizophrenic writes about himself, does that count as 1 topic?

My advice has always been NOT to be single topic. Ah well...

dg writes: actually, you're the biggest exception on my blogroll - multi-topic, but highly ranked

a. I'd get bored
b. it depends whether your aim is blogworld domination, or not

Looks like most of the links to that business blog are because of that "how much is your blog worth?" thingy that's currently doing the rounds. In which case, maybe you don't even need to stick to a single topic... you just need one single idea!

I've always thought that single topic blogs like mine are easier to maintain. Although people often say to me "How do you manage to find something to write about the tube every day?"

Cos I've been blogging for years now (three years in January) I could probably do a more diverse non subject specfic blog (indeed I started a small one which hardly anyone looks at a few months ago - and it's for my moans and groans and general musings on blogging and reviews of films, gigs, books, restaurants and other stuff - ie stuff I want to blog but doesn't fit as neatly into the Tube category)

But, generally I take my hat off to people who can consistently blog well on a non specific topic (which obviously includes DG and many of the other bloggers on my own blog roll).

Um, single topic blogs will probably always be more successful, because the human brain is best at thinking about one topic at a time. And also, who but the strangest people would want to read details of all the vast range of subjects that make up a person's daily life? Well, except me, of course.

You'll think I'm just indulging in naive flattery, of course, but one of the reasons that DG is a compulsive read is because of the vast range of subjects you deal with.

I know, I'm very nice, aren't I?

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