please empty your brain below

You are certainly a man of many talents! Or is this another one of your doughnut tests?

dg writes: not doughnuts, honest, just unexpectedly green fingers

lets hope its winter cancelled...

My roses are still in blooms and for the 3rd year running the strawberry plants are having a 2nds wind and are producing flowers so it's not an isolated intance I guess.

Any connection between your Ruby and the neighbours curry smells?

Plenty of roses get smaller second flushes in the Autumn... but yours does look particularly bountiful.

Global warming.

Its sister plant has been blooming non-stop all summer. Twas a good spell I did on the pair of them.

Mine just did that too (roses I mean) . Hello. Love your blog. Love London. Love the eclecticism (sp.?) and vibrancy of life here. Even if it scares me sh*tless some of the time. Reading stuff by people like you one of the reasons I'm still glad to be here. Even though I'm not supposed to be post 7/7. Cheers, and up yours Al Quaida. Rachel

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